apnea is a major health problem that left untreated can lead
to disease, increased medical costs, diminished quality of
life, even death. In a new self-help book, Sleep Apnea-The
Phantom of the Night, co-author Dr. William A. Broughton
explains the disorder and provides information that will help
people overcome the syndrome and their nighttime struggle
to breath, sleep and live. Broughton is director of the Sleep
Disorders Center at University of South Alabama Knollwood
Hospital and a Diplomat of the American Boards of Internal
Medicine and Sleep Medicine.
Contrary to what many people believe, snoring is not
a sound of sound sleep. It can be a symptom of sleep apnea,
a disorder of breathing during sleep, said Broughton.
People who suffer with sleep apnea are awaked numerous,
sometimes hundreds of times during the night, trying to breathe.
As a result they wake up tired and unrefreshed, leaving them
less able to cope and prone to many emotional as well as physical
According to Broughton, many people have sleep apnea and dont
even know it. Although apnea can be easily identified and
treated, many go undiagnosed because they dont know
to talk to their doctor about the problem. By the same token,
many primary care physicians are not familiar with the benefits
of sleep medicine and often miss signs that their patients
need help.
The book provides people with apnea information in a concise,
east to understand format that encourages them to seek treatment
and reclaim their lost sleep and life. Complete coverage and
comparison of all current treatments for sleep apnea are provided
including oral appliances and surgery, as well as Continuous
Positive Airway Pressure, better known as CPAP. Patients experiences,
including difficulties encountered with CPAP treatments, are
also included to reinforce the importance of communication
with you doctor and home care providers.
One of the most rewarding aspects of being a sleep physician
is seeing patients successfully treated and returning to normalcy,
said Broughton. They are pleased and excited about the
change that has occurred.
Sleep Apnea-The Phantom of the Night is published
by New Technology Publishing Inc. and is available at bookstores
and online at
or 1-800-APNEA, 800-672-7632.