University of South Alabama, Office of Public Relations
June 30, 2011
Contact: Jennifer Z. Ekman, USA Public Relations, (251) 460-6360

USA�s Daley Reappointed to National Social Work Leadership Council

Dr. Michael Daley
Dr. Michael Daley

University of South Alabama Social Work Director Dr. Michael Daley was recently reappointed to a second three-year term on the Council on Social Work Education's Council on Leadership Development by the organization’s President Mit Joyner. 

The Council on Leadership Development is responsible for initiating programs and services related to the development of leaders in social work education. It is part of CSWE's Commission on Professional Development. 

Daley also serves as the national president of the Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors.

Daley joined USA in 2004 from Stephen F. Austin State University, where he served as director of the school of social work and associate dean, as well as a professor of social work.

He received his undergraduate degree in anthropology from Rice University in 1971 and his master’s in social work from the University of Houston in 1975.

Daley earned his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1983. After receiving his Ph.D., he taught at Bemidji State University in Minnesota and at Stephen F. Austin State University in Texas for 20 years before relocating to Mobile.

Since the USA social work program started in 2005, there has been great interest in the program. There were 179 students majoring in social work in spring 2011, and Daley expects a significant enrollment increase this fall. For more information about the program, call Daley at (251) 460-6909.

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