Hilton Garden Inn Beachfront, Orange Beach, Alabama
9:25 Opening Remarks
9:30 to 10:30 - Ruth Weintraub, "Scepticism about Inference to the Best Explanation"
10:40 to 11:40 - Lizzie Fricker, "Strong Explanationism and Local Reductionism About Testimony"
Midday Break - 12:00 Lunch TBA
2:30 to 3:30 - Ali Hasan, "Toward an A Priori Justification of Abduction"
3:40 to 4:40 - Susanna Rinard, "Inference to the Best Explanation and Skepticism about the Past"
8 pm: Dinner at TBA
9:30 to 10:30 - Jonathan Vogel, "In Defense of Inference to the Best Explanation"
10:40 to 11:40 - Kareem Khalifa, Jared Millson, and Mark Risjord, "Explanatory Expressivism"
Midday Break - 12:00 Lunch at TBA
2:30 to 3:30 - Leah Henderson, "Bayesianism and IBE: The Case of Individual vs Group Selection in Biology"
3:40 to 4:40 - Jonah Schupbach, "Inference to the Best Explanation, Cleaned Up and Made Respectable"
8 pm: Dinner at TBA