AuD Students Present at AAA 2022 +HearTECH Expo
Posted on April 11, 2022 by CAHP

Three Doctor of Audiology students in the Dept. of Speech Pathology and Audiology recently traveled to St. Louis, Missouri, for the American Academy of Audiology Annual Conference, a national convention offering opportunities for scientific enrichment, career development and professional networking. The students had the opportunity to present their work on two different mentored research projects.

Payton Sibley and Lucile Puranen presented their project "Exploring the Role of Different Attention Domains in Understanding Speech in Noise" with the support of faculty mentor Dr. Dania Rishiq.

Hailey Scoggins presented her project "Help-Seeking Behavior and Readiness for Intervention in Adult Cochlear Implant Candidates" with the support of faculty mentors Dr. Wilder Roberts and Dr. Dania Rishiq.