Dr. Patricia Mark
Dr. Patricia Mark is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication. She received her B.A. and M.B.A. degrees from the University of South Alabama, her D.E.S.C.A.F degree from Ecole Superieure de Commerce in Pau, France and her Ph.D. from the University of Southern Mississippi where she specialized in advertising and public relations. Dr. Mark teaches courses in media planning, strategic writing, promotions and campaign strategy. Her major research area is organizational branding.
Peer-Reviewed Academic Articles
Mark, P. & Toelken, K. (in-press). Poisoned by a toxic brand: A worst case scenario of employer branding A Case Study of a Fortune 100 Technology Firm. The Organization Development Journal.
Toelken, K., & Mark P. (in-press). BisLogic: Building an employer brand through corporate image, personality, identity and reputation. i-manager’s Journal on Management.
Mark, P., & McPherson, J. (2009, Summer). Institutional review boards and public relations/mass communication research: Furthering the conversation. [On-line]. Public Relations Journal, (3), 3. Available at: www.prsa.org/prjournal
Mark, P. (2008, June). Redefining business communication courses to enhance student employability. [On-line]. B>Quest (Business Quest). Available at: www.westga.edu/~bquest/
Mark, P., & Braley, E. (2009, February). Fractured brands: Perceptions of Mississippi Gulf Coast residents toward the property and casualty insurance industry before and after Hurricane Katrina and their effect on brand equity. [On-line]. B>Quest (Business Quest). Available at: www.westga.edu/~bquest/
For more publications by Dr. Mark, please see her CV.
- CA 321 Media Planning
- CA 322 Creative Strategy
- CA 324 Strategic Writing
- CA 485 Cases in Strategic Communication
- CA 486 Strategic Campaigns
- CA 487 / 587 Tideline Agency
- CA 585 Reputation Management
- CA 596 Graduate Internships