SGA President Dreams of Working Full Time in Athletics Management and Operations
Posted on November 1, 2022 by Email CEPS

Camille Bonura serves as the Student Government Association president at the University of South Alabama, and her passion for hospitality has helped her get to where she is today.
Originally from Enterprise, Alabama, Bonura chose South because her parents are alumni of the University and she was excited about the quality of the undergraduate program in hospitality and tourism management. As a student at Enterprise High School, Bonura served in several leadership roles, including captain of the dance team, historian and reporter for Future Business Leaders of America, and member of the National Honor Society.
Bonura is pursuing a major in hospitality and tourism management and a double minor in sport management and general business. She has held multiple positions in the SGA leading up to her presidency. She served as senator for the College of Education and Professional Studies, committee chair for Homecoming and director of athletic relations.
Bonura said she decided to run for president because she wanted to give back to the student body. Her main goal is to show other organizations how the SGA can help them be successful. She believes the SGA offers many benefits to students and wants students to know that the SGA advocates for them.
“I’m really excited about getting the entire campus involved with the Student Government Association, so they don’t just know us as another organization on campus and they actually understand what SGA means to them and the student body,” Bonura said.
Bonura’s major has taught her how to connect with people in meaningful ways.
“I think it’s really helped just making connections and being a people person,” she said. “I love being around people. I love talking to people, learning about them and learning where they come from. I’ve built even more connections by attending the department’s networking events.”
Bonura is thankful for many opportunities she’s had to make close connections with faculty and the community.
“I’m close friends with both of my professors, and they’ve helped me get different jobs and opportunities,” she said. “They really hand-pick what jobs and internships they give their students. I like that the classes aren’t very big, and there are only two professors, so you really get to know and have a connection with your professors to get you through college. They really help you be successful.”
Bonura has completed several internships. She currently works as an intern for operations and recruiting with South’s football team. She previously worked for the Athletic Department in facilities and operations for all sports on campus.
She has always been interested in sports event planning and has found her passion in athletics management and operations. After graduation, she plans to continue her career in the sports industry. Bonura hopes to work in operations and would like to be in the front office of a National Football League team or part of a college-level sports conference.
“I’ve seen so many different aspects of the sports industry by working for facilities and operations and now just in operations and recruiting,” she said. “I have a special place in my heart for it. Women in sports have been on the rise for the past couple of years, so I think that is a cool opportunity because women are becoming the presidents of NFL teams now. That hasn’t happened in the past, so I’m just super excited to show that women can excel in the sports industry.”
Bonura is a part of many organizations on campus outside of SGA. She is a member of the Hospitality Club, Hospitality Ambassadors, Eta Sigma Delta Honor Society, Phi Mu sorority and Mortar Board honor society. Her experience as an ambassador has allowed her to show potential students what the hospitality and tourism management program is all about.
“During USA Days or other recruiting events, we welcome prospective students. We show them around campus, the College of Education and Professional Studies, and the Hospitality and Tourism Management office. I love sharing my passion for the field.”