RN to BSN Acceptance
Congratulations on your acceptance to the RN to BSN program at the University of South Alabama!
The following information must be completed and submitted for your College of Nursing Acceptance Packet to be complete.
This web page contains a timeline from now until the first day of classes. If you follow this timeline and submit your completed paperwork by the due date, you will transition smoothly into our program.
We accepted you, because we believe you have the potential to be successful in our program to complete your Bachelor of Science Degree!
E-Mail Requirement
We strive to give our students the best possible service and to respond to your questions and requests in a timely manner. In order for us to do so, we require that all College of Nursing students communicate with faculty and staff using only their JagMail email account which is provided to all University of South Alabama students. Using your JagMail email account helps us better track your email, respond in a timely manner, and it also ensures that email we send to you isn’t misplaced or lost by a SPAM filter. If you send us an email from a non-JagMail email account from this moment forward, we will politely remind you to send your request from your JagMail email account. Additionally, we can help process your email questions and requests much faster when your name and JAG number are included in every email you send us. Please view the following link for directions on activating your JagMail email account. Please wait two weeks after you have received your acceptance letter from the College of Nursing to activate your JagMail account.
Acceptance Packet
The Acceptance Packet for Admission to the RN-BSN program must be returned to the USA College of Nursing within 3 weeks after receiving your acceptance letter.
Summer 2025 RN-BSN Acceptance Packet - Due March 14, 2025
A complete Acceptance Packet includes the following:
- Drug Screen in CastleBranch
- Background Check in CastleBranch
- Medical Documents Manager in CastleBranch
Students will not be allowed to register for courses if their Acceptance Packet, including your CastleBranch account, is incomplete.
Drug Screen, Background Check & Medical Document Manager
Step 3 of the acceptance packet is information related to ordering and submitting a background check, drug screen, and immunizations record. This may be accessed through the CastleBranch.com link. Please read the information related to ordering and the requirements for maintaining your immunization and health information on this site:
Summer 2025 RN-BSN Admission
Deadline: Order CastleBranch NR67 package: UPON ADMISSION
Deadline: Complete CastleBranch NV67 package: April 18, 2025.
You will not be able to register for classes until your acceptance forms are processed by the College of Nursing and your drug screen, background check and Medical Document Manager requirements are all complete.
USA Registration System called PAWS. You must register during your assigned registration period.
You should familiarize yourself with the Registration Process, as well as how to log into your PAWS account, and find your “Time Ticket” through this link.
Closed Classes
Online RN-BSN students are guaranteed a seat in the online nursing classes each semester. If you have any problems with registration, please email conrn2bsn@southalabama.edu for assistance.
Academic Transcripts
An academic transcript with final grades for missing prerequisite courses must be
received by the RN-BSN Advising Office. Email a student copy of your transcript to conrn2bsn@southalabama.edu
You must have the final/official copy of your academic transcript sent directly to the USA Office of Admissions. These final courses must be added to the overall articulation of your transfer credits and they are required for completing degree requirements for the BSN.
First day of class
Admitted for Summer 2025 – First day of class – Wednesday, June 4, 2025
You should begin preparing for your first day of class. We hope the timeline, links, and posted documents are helpful in your transition into the professional component for the BSN.
Students will receive a link to the RN-BSN Virtual Orientation Site (VOS) in CANVAS prior to April 27, 2025. The orientation opens April 27, 2025 and closes June 3, 2025. This orientation will provide you information about the program and prepare you for your first day of classes. Please complete the orientation before classes begin.
Please disregard all notices received from the Southbound Orientation Office regarding the requirement to attend Transfer Student Orientation. This orientation does not apply to you as an RN-BSN student.