Amy Campbell, DNP, RN
Assistant Professor Community Mental Health - Nursing Informatics
- Doctorate of Nursing Practice; University of South Alabama
- Master of Science in Nursing; University of South Alabama
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Tennessee Technology University
Research Interests
- Reducing medication errors
- Using and creating technology to improve the work-environment for nurses as well as patients
- Data Mining
- Improving computer and health literacy for nursing and patients
- Improving healthcare to the homeless
- Collaboration with organizations to incorporate current healthcare needs into the course curriculum
Selected Publications
- Campbell, A. & Harlan, T. (2018). Increasing nurse awareness when administrating medications: The creation of a dashboard warning system. In Harris, Roussel, Dearman, & Thomas (Eds.), A guide for nurses and interprofessional teams, 3rd edition (Chapter: Role of IT in Project Planning and Management). Jones & Bartlett: Burlington, MA.
- Campbell, S. M., Pardue, J. H., Campbell, A. (2015, August). Creating a health informatics program: Is it good for what ails us? Paper presented at meeting of Puerto Rico: Americas Conference on Information Systems.
- Campbell, S. M. & Campbell, A. (2015). Academic research should lead to real world solutions. In W. Hersh (Eds.), Health informatics for the curious: Why study health informatics? (Chapter 20). Online Publication: Curious Academic Publishing
- Pardue, H., Campbell, A., Campbell, S. M., and Wisniewski, P. (2014). Mission impossible? Putting the patient back in patient care. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 34, 381-388. Retrieved from http://eds.b.ebscohost.com/eds/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=63ec9c63-7679-42ce-a345-0ec7bba867d8%40sessionmgr104&-bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#AN=94902935&db=bth
Doctoral Courses
- NU 610
- NU 612
- NU 613
- NU 616
Graduate Courses Taught
- NU 539
- NU 556
- NU 557
- NU 558
- NU 559
- NU 562
Undergraduate Courses Taught
- HI 300
- HI 410
- HI 450
Certifications and Awards
- Faculty Advisor for Future Health Professional (HOSA)
- Student Faculty Committee Chair
- Academic Computing Committee
- Work with the Homeless Connect Project