RN to BSN Pathway | College of Nursing

RN to BSN Pathway

The University of South Alabama College of Nursing RN to BSN Pathway is specifically designed to meet the needs of Registered Nurses with a current RN license seeking a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

Checking Blood Pressure

The RN to BSN Professional Component consists of courses that address knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are needed to be successful in today’s dynamic healthcare settings. You will enjoy challenging yourself as you explore relevant topics related to modern day professional nursing issues. This program is taught entirely online and is a flexible option for working students who are managing work and family responsibilities as well as educational assignments. Graduates will have the skills to provide enhanced patient care, critique and apply research to clinical practice. Graduates will increase their skills and knowledge about informatics in healthcare, will have a better understanding of global health issues, and will be better prepared to collaborate with the interprofessional team in providing quality care in multiple work settings.

RN to BSN Professional Component

  1. The Profession Component consists of six (6) fully online nursing courses for a total of 24 credit hours.
  2. These courses must be completed at the University of South Alabama.
  3. Upper division nursing courses taken at another institution will not transfer or apply toward the 24 credit hours required to earn the BSN degree at USA.
  4. Students proceed through the six online nursing courses at their desired pace.
  5. The Professional Component may be completed in a minimum of two (2) semesters.
  6. The Professional Component must be completed within five (5) years of beginning the BSN curriculum.

Professional Component Course Work – 24 Total Credit Hours

  • NU 450 Leadership & Management Roles for Professional Nursing Practice (4 credit hours)
  • NU 451 Current Issues and Trends in Professional Nursing Practice (4 credit hours)
  • NU 452 Clinical Prevention and Population Health (4 credit hours)
  • NU 453 Information Management and Technology in Healthcare (4 credit hours)
  • NU 454 Research and Evidence Based Practice (4 credit hours)
  • NU 455 Concepts of Interprofessional Practice (4 credit hours)

RN-BSN Prerequisite Courses – 59 Total Credit Hours

Written Communication

  • English Composition I 3 credit hours
  • English Composition II 3 credit hours

Humanities and Fine Arts

  • Fine Arts (Select from: Music, Drama, or Art) 3 credit hours
  • *Literature elective (Examples: American, British, or World) 3 credit hours
  • Humanities elective (See options below) 3 credit hours
  • Humanities elective (See options below) 3 credit hours
  • Humanities Electives include: Second Literature for Required Sequence, or Philosophy, Foreign Language, Music, Art, Drama, Communications, or Religion

History/Social and Behavioral Sciences

  • Introduction to Psychology or a Psychology Elective 3 credit hours
  • *History elective (US, World or Western Civilization) 3 credit hours
  • History/Social/Behavioral Science elective (See options below) 3 credit hours
  • History/Social/Behavioral Science elective (See options below) 3 credit hours
  • History/Social/Behavioral Science Electives include: Second History for the Required Sequence, or Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Geography, Criminal Justice, Economics, or Anthropology

Natural Sciences & Mathematics

  • College Algebra, Finite Math, or Pre-Calculus 3 credit hours
  • Chemistry with a Lab OR Biology with a Lab 4 credit hours
  • Take a Second Natural Science with a Lab 4 credit hours (See options below)
  • Natural Science with Lab includes any of the following: Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics,  or Astronomy.

Additional Pre-Nursing Requirements

  • Microbiology with Lab 4 credit hours
  • Human Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab 4 credit hours
  • Human Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab 4 credit hours
  • Statistics 3 credit hours
  • Computer Elective 3 credit hours

*Required Sequence: All students must complete one History elective and one Literature elective. In addition, you must also complete a second History or second Literature to complete a two course sequence in either History or Literature, in the same exact subject.

Contact Information

Dr. Pam Johnson - Program Coordinator
Email: conrn2bsn@southalabama.edu

Kristyn Seawell – RN-BSN Academic Advisor
Email: conrn2bsn@southalabama.edu