Dr. Stephanie M. Smallegan

Dr. Stephanie M. Smallegan

Assistant Professor
Civil Engineering / Coastal Engineering


  • Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Virginia Tech
  • M.S. Civil Engineering, Georgia Tech Savannah
  • B.S. Civil Engineering, Georgia Tech Savannah


My research interests are within the field of Coastal Engineering and focus on short and long-term beach erosion. Specifically, I am interested in the impacts of waves and surge on barrier islands and how these processes interact with engineered structures. My current work uses numerical (computer) modeling to simulate these complex processes in order to assess the impact made to beaches during storms and daily conditions. Most recently, I have focused on two locations impacted by Hurricane Sandy: 1) the Bay Head/Mantoloking area, NJ and 2) Assateague Island, VA.


  • Smallegan, S. M., Irish, J. L., van Dongeren, A. R., (in preparation). Wave Reducing Capabilities of a Buried Seawall during Hurricane Sandy.
  • Smallegan, S. M., Santiago-Tate, A., Irish, J. L., (in preparation). Modeling hydrodynamics of daily wave conditions near Duck, NC using XBeach.
  • Irish, J. L., Lynett, P. J., Weiss, R., Smallegan, S. M., Cheng, W., 2013. Buried relic seawall mitigates Hurricane Sandy’s impacts. Coastal Engineering, 80, 79-82.
  • Smallegan, S. M., Irish, J. L., den Bieman, J. P., van Dongeren, A. R., 2015 (accepted). Numerical investigation of developed and undeveloped barrier island response to Hurricane Sandy. Coastal Sediments, San Diego, CA.
  • Smallegan, S. M., Keith, S. T., Cheng, W., Weiss, R., Irish, J. L., 2014. Quantification of distinguishing features of tsunami versus hurricane sediment overwash events. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Smallegan, S. M., Irish, J. L., den Bieman, J. P., van Dongeren, A. R., 2014. Effects of coastal infrastructure on morphology during Hurricane Sandy. Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference, Newark, DE.
  • Smallegan, S. M., Irish, J. L., den Bieman, J. P., van Dongeren, A. R., 2014. Wave force reduction due to buried seawall. Ocean Sciences, Honolulu, HI.