International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Selects USA Professor New Editor-in-Chief for Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge Wiki
Posted on June 11, 2018 by R. Cloutier

by Christine Kowalski | Jun 07, 2018
Robert J. Cloutier, Ph.D., to Oversee Award-winning Online Resource
The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE-CS), and the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC) have selected Robert J. Cloutier, Ph.D., as the new editor-in-chief for the “Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge” (SEBoK), a moderated wiki and online resource of industry information, practices and case studies. Cloutier is a professor and systems engineering program chair at the University of South Alabama and serves as director of graduate studies and programs for the University’s College of Engineering.
Effective July 1, Cloutier will become the third editor-in-chief of the SEBoK, taking over for Rick Adcock, after his more than four years at the helm. Cloutier will be responsible for the technical content and strategic direction of the SEBoK, oversee the wiki publication process, and enhance the SEBoK’s visibility and impact. He will also appoint and manage an editorial board and coordinate and process submissions and reviews.
“The Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge is arguably the most widely read resource on systems engineering in the world with an average of 50,000 visits monthly to hundreds of articles in its wiki,” said Cloutier. “I am excited about the opportunity to manage this resource and act as a steward for the interests of the world-wide systems engineering community.”
Before moving to South Alabama, Professor Cloutier was the director of systems engineering programs at Stevens Institute of Technology. He brings over 20 years of systems engineering industry experience to this position. His research interests include system architecting, concept of operations, model-based systems engineering and complex patterns for systems engineering. Cloutier has 21 published peer reviewed journal articles. In 2015, he authored a monograph titled “Systems Engineering Simplified,” published by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group that is targeted toward those not familiar with systems engineering. He has also supervised nine systems engineering doctoral students. Dr. Cloutier is a member of INCOSE and senior member of both IEEE and the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers. Professor Cloutier received his Ph.D. from Stevens Institute of Technology School of Systems and Enterprises.
The SEBoK includes more than 200 articles on topics such as emergence, complexity, systems of systems, verification, enterprise systems engineering, and the relationship between systems engineering and software engineering, as well as short case studies and vignettes on the application of systems engineering knowledge. An extensive glossary of terms and primary references is also included.
The SEBoK is jointly managed by INCOSE, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – Computer Society and the Systems Engineering Research Center. The wiki won “Product of the Year” at the 2013 INCOSE International Workshop held in Jacksonville, Florida as the INCOSE product that provided the most significant value to its members and the global community.
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