Message from the Dean
“and ma in her kerchief and I in my cap had just settled down for a long winter’s nap….”. Fat chance of that happening; it seems as if not only do the holiday’s roll around more quickly each year but that the holiday season gets busier.
It’s a busy time at the Mitchell College. The students started their final exams today and graduation is December 12. A short break and we start anew. The HVAC system in the College will be updated during the break—it’s scheduled to be completed before the start of classes—keep your fingers crossed.
In keeping with the season, I want to take the time to say thank you for a few of the gifts that I’ve received in the past eighteen months.
First and foremost I want to say thank you for the opportunity to work with a great group of faculty and staff. The Mitchell College faculty members are nationally recognized for their excellence. Our students experience this excellence on a daily basis in the classroom. The College also has great support staff; without their efforts, much of what we accomplish would not happen. Too often their part in our success is overlooked. A special thanks to Carl Moore who assembled this group during his tenure.
I also want to thank our students for their efforts and hard work. Everywhere I go employers rave about the high quality of our graduates. I had the opportunity to teach the junior level finance survey class this term. It’s been a lot of fun connecting with the students in the classroom; unfortunately my writing on the board has not improved. Blended learning (a combination of traditional and online classes) has become the norm. A number of our professors are using the newly integrated Panopto lecture capture software in their classrooms.
I’d be amiss if I didn’t also say thank you to a special group of students. The Mitchell Ambassadors have been extremely busy with the new activities and traditions we are starting in the College. I applaud their efforts; they’ve been a great group to work with.
I also want to thank the members of the Executive Advisory Council and individual discipline advisory boards for their efforts this year. Their ideas continue to make us better. I appreciate their willingness to give of their time and resources.
There are lots of thank yous left but I’m out of space. Know that I appreciate all that you’ve done and continue to do. Best wishes to you and yours for a great holiday season. See you next year.