Message from the Dean
Onward and Upward: What’s Next for the Mitchell College of Business?
The Mitchell College of Business, just as other dynamic organizations, will sometimes encounter choppy waters on the journey toward excellence. At those very critical and consequential moments, it is essential to revisit the core that represent the essence of our being as an organization. At this juncture, the entire MCOB family is revisiting and genuinely reaffirming its core values:
Values/Guiding Principles
- Integrity and mutual respect
- Diversity, inclusiveness and a global perspective
- Excellence
- Freedom in pursuit of knowledge
- Collegiality
- Transparency and participation in decision making
A key tenet of this reaffirmation process is to refocus, energize, and more robustly embrace the spirit of diversity, inclusiveness and a global perspective, as essential ingredients of the DNA of the Mitchell College of Business. As we continue to shape forward-looking people, programs, processes and relationships, the MCOB will build upon its strengths to fashion an organization in which all of us can be immensely proud.
Another significant initiative emanating from our core values is a comprehensive approach to the role of sustainability (in its many varied forms) in our curriculum, outreach, and overall student preparation efforts. Sustainability will become a tool to support our engagement, impact, and innovation initiatives as we continue our Onward and Upward trajectory. We invite ALL of our partners to join us on the next critical legs of our dynamic journey. We need you to help us become our BEST selves.
Alvin J. Williams, Ph.D.
Interim Dean, Mitchell College of Business
Distinguished Professor and Chair
Department of Marketing & Quantitative Methods
Mitchell College of Business