Faculty Accomplishments - December
Chen, Y., Vann, C. (2017). Clawback Provision Adoption, Corporate Governance, and Investment Decisions.
Journal of Business Finance and Accounting/Wiley-Blackwell, 44(9/10), 1370-1397.
Economics and Finance
In Action:
Kyre Lahtinen, Chris Lawrey, and Kenneth Hunsader, "Beta Dispersion and Portfolio Returns" accepted at the Journal of Asset Management.
In Action:
Dr. Ying Huang presented "The Impact of Clawback Provision on Cash Valuation" (With Gady Jacoby, Ying Zhang, and Hongchao Zeng)
Southern Finance Association (SFA) annual meeting, November, 2017, Key West, FL
Dr. Khandokar Istiak presented "Uncertainty, Leverage and Asset Prices" at the 87th Annual Conference of Southern Economic Association on November 19 in Tampa, FL.
Dr. Huubinh Le presented "The price effect of slot divestitures at Reagan National and LaGuardia" at the 87th Annual Southern Economic Association Conference, November 18th, Tampa, FL
Chris Lawrey presented: “Paying Dividends: Cash or Credit?” at the Southern Finance Association Conference over November 15 – 18, Key West, Florida.
Dr. Reid Cummings, a member of the Alabama Real Estate Commission, recently joined Florida Real Estate Commission member Patti Ketcham in a panel discussion about the differences and similarities between Alabama and Florida real estate license laws.
Joe Hair, Lucy Matthews, Ryan Matthews, and Marko Sarstedt, (2017). PLS-SEM or CB-SEM: Updated Guidelines on Which Method To Use, (2017), International Journal of Multivariate Data Analysis, Vol. 1 (2), pp 107-123.
Joe Hair, Lucy Matthews, Alex Zablah, and Lisa Beeler (2017). All Autonomy is Not Created Equal: The Countervailing Effects of Salesperson Autonomy on Burnout, (2017), Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, DOI.org/10.1080/08853134.2017.1398658.
Joe Hair, Marko Sarstedt, Christian Ringle, Kai Thiele, and Tomas Hult (2017). Mirror, mirror on the wall: a comparative evaluation of composite-based structural equation modeling methods,” (2017), Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 45 (2), doi:10.1007/s11747-017-0517-x.
Howard, M. C. & Cogswell, J. (Accepted for Publication). The Left Side of Courage: Three Exploratory Studies on the Antecedents of Social Courage. The Journal of Positive Psychology.
Howard, M. C. & Krannitz, M. A. (2017). A Reanalysis of Occupation and Suicide: Negative Perceptions of the Workplace Linked to Suicide Attempts. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied.
Howard, M. C. (Accepted for Publication). The Convergent Validity and Nomological Net of Two Methods to Measure Retroactive Influences. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice.
Howard, M. C. & Hoffman, M. (2017). Variable-Centered, Person-Centered, and Person-Specific Approaches: Where Theory Meets the Method. Organizational Research Methods.
In Action:
Dr. Diann Hammon, Dr. Cai Unger, Dr. John Roach and Josh Cogswell presented their research at Southern Management Association Conference in St. Petersburg, FL in October.
Kelly Woodford presented at the Mobile Society for Human Resource Management's 2017 Gulf Coast Human Resources Conference.