Faculty Accomplishments: October 2020
In Action:
Tristan Johnson, J. Russell Hardin, and D. Shawn Mauldin were awarded a 2020 National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) Research Grant to identify the options for meeting the 150-hour requirement for CPA licensure that students should pursue in order to maximize their demand as public accounting recruits (June 2020).
Economics and Fiance
Istiak, Khandokar and Apostolos Serletis. "Risk, Uncertainty, and Leverage." Economic Modelling, Volume 91, September 2020, Pages 257-273.
Lawrey, Chris M., Fuller, Kathleen P., and Morris, Brandon, “Paying Dividends: Cash or Credit?” Journal of Asset Management 21, 513 - 523.
Jain, Urvashi and Mingming Ma. “Height Shrinkage, Health and Mortality among Older Adults: Evidence from Indonesia.” Economics and Human Biology, Volume 37, May 2020.
Angrisani, M., Jain, U. and Lee, J. (2020), Sex Differences in Cognitive Health Among Older Adults in India. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 68: S20-S28.
Ying Huang, Chiao, Michael, Billl Hu, Jim Washam, 2020, Priced on the Note: The case of Japanese IPOs, Applied Economics. https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2020.1711507, in print
In Action:
Reid Cummings and CREED contributed to a September 15 Lagniappe story about the economic impact of Airbus over the previous five years.
Reid Cummings and CREED contributed to a September 14 Bloomberg News story about the economic impact of Airbus over the previous five years.
Reid Cummings contributed to an August 19 story in the Lagniappe about how COVID-19’s reduced office worker presence in downtown Mobile has hurt the Mobile Central Business District.
Reid Cummings, Jana Stupavsky, and CREED contributed to an August 6 story on Fox10 News about area real estate markets thriving despite COVID-19.
Reid Cummings presented “Regional Commercial Real Estate Market Data and Expected Trends” to the Gulf Coast Chapter of the CCIM Institute in March.
Maes, J.D. and Cole, S.L (in press). Professionally Ready. Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt.
Crum, M., Nelson, T., de Borst, J., & Byrnes, P. (2020). The use of cluster analysis in entrepreneurship research: Review of past research and future directions. Journal of Small Business Management, 1-40.
Nelson, Apple, Ellis, Leasure, & King-Berry (2020) Performance Descriptions: A Major Tool for Performance Development. International Journal of Process Education.
Apple, Ellis, Nelson, Ulbrich, & Woodbridge (2020) Barriers to Implementing a Successful Learning to Learn
Experience. International Journal of Process Education.
Apple, Leasure, Nelson, Ulbrich, & Woodbridge (2020) How the Learning to Learn Experiences Model the Seven
Universal and Perennial Principles of Student Learning and Persistence. International Journal of Process Education.
Marketing and Quantitative Methods
Howard, M. C. (2020). Understanding face mask use to prevent coronavirus and other illnesses: Development of a multidimensional face mask perceptions scale. British Journal of Health Psychology.
Howard, M. C. (2020). Using the HEXACO-100 to measure individual entrepreneurial orientation: Introducing the HEXACO-IEO. Journal of Business Venturing Insights.
Howard, M. C. (2021). Gender, face mask perceptions, and face mask wearing: Are men being dangerous during the COVID-19 pandemic? Personality and Individual Differences.
Howard, M. C. (2021). Who wants to reopen the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic? The daring and uncaring. Personality and Individual Differences.
Howard, M. C. & Van Zandt, E. (2020). The discriminant validity of honesty-humility: A meta-analysis of the HEXACO, Big Five, and Dark Triad. Journal of Research in Personality.
- Van Zandt is a current Ph.D. student in the Mitchell College of Business
Hair, J.F. (2020). Next Generation Prediction Metrics for Composite-based PLS-SEM”, (2020). Industrial Management & Data Systems, forthcoming.
Joe Hair (2020). Musings on a Distinguished Methods Career and Beyond, Advancing Methodological Thought and Practice, Vol. 12, pp 13-24.
Scott Manley, Joe Hair, Hank Williams, and William McDowell (2020). Essential new PLS-SEM analysis methods for your entrepreneurship analytical toolbox, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, DOI 10.1007/s11365-020-00687-6.
Joe Hair and Marko Sarstedt (2020). Data, Measurement, and Causal Inferences in Machine Learning: Opportunities and Challenges for Marketing”, (2020). Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, forthcoming.
Marko Sarstedt, Joe Hair, and Matt Howard (2020). Beyond a Tandem Analysis of SEM and PROCESS: Use PLS-SEM for Mediation Analyses!,” (2020). International Journal of Market Research, April 2020, https://doi.org/10.1177/1470785320915686.
Benjamin Liengaard, Pratyesh Sharma, Joe Hair, Tomas Hult, Morten Jensen, Marko Sarstedt, and Christian Ringle (2020). Prediction: Coveted, Yet Forsaken? Introducing a Cross-Validated Predictive Ability Test in Partial Least Squares Path Modeling,” (2020). Decision Sciences Journal, forthcoming.
Adam Merkle, Joe Hair, O.C. Ferrell, Linda Ferrell, and Bob Wood (2020). An Examination of Pro-Stakeholder Unethical Behavior in the Sales Ethics Subculture,” (2020), Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, forthcoming.
Vicky Crittenden, Joe Hair, Marko Sarstedt, Claudia Astrachan, and Carlos Lourenco (2020). Observations on Brand Measurement and Scale Development in an Age of Consumer and Data Complexity, (2020). Journal of Product and Brand Management, forthcoming, with Vicky Crittenden, Marko Sarstedt, Claudia Astrachan, and Carlos Lourenco.
Dana Harrison, O.C. Ferrell, Linda Ferrell, and Joe Hair (2020). Corporate social responsibility and business ethics: conceptualization, scale development and validation, (2020). Journal of Product and Brand Management, 29(4), pp. 431-39
Hair, J. F., Matt Howard and Christian Nitzl (2020). Assessing Measurement Model Quality in PLS-SEM Using Confirmatory Composite Analysis,” (2020). Journal of Business Research, 109, pp. 101-110.
Dadzie, Charlene A., Evelyn M. Winston, Alvin J. Williams, and Kofi Q. Dadzie. "Promoting Bank Usage Habits in Africa’s Savings Mobilization Programs: A Strategic Marketing Perspective." Journal of Macromarketing (2020):
Dadzie, Charlene A. “Reimagining the Global South: Consumer Welfare and Public Policy Insights from the United States’ Gulf Coast”. Journal of Consumer Affairs (accepted September 2020).
In Action:
Dr. Matt C. Howard was named to the editorial board of the Journal of Business and Psychology.
Howard, M.C. (2020, August). Latent profile exploratory factor analysis: A novel two-part procedure for a new era of big data. In Reichin (chair), Person-centered approaches in management: Methodological insights and substantive examples. Panel discussion at the 80th annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, CA.
Sabol, M., Winton, B. (2020, March) Creative Capacity and Innovation Proposal: The Moderating Influences of Emotional Intelligence and Trust. South Western Academy of Management, San Antonio, TX.
Sabol, M., Maes, J. (2020, August). Developing Students’ Presentation Skills: Experiential Exercises Utilizing Cloud Based Video Platforms. Academy of Management Teaching and Learning Conference, Vancouver, CA.
Charlene A. Dadzie, Kofi Q. Dadzie, Charles Blankson. (2020, May). Financially vulnerable subsistence micro-entrepreneurs (cocoa farmers). Special session: a behind the scenes look on studies of vulnerability: the importance of contextualizing vulnerability at the 2020 American Marketing Association Marketing and Public Policy Conference
Kofi Q. Dadzie, Charlene A. Dadzie, and Evelyn Winston (2020, September). Consumer Online Buying Decisions During the Peak of COVID-19: A Baseline Study of the Roles of Logistics Customer Service and Social Distancing Beliefs. Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals 2020 Academic Research Symposium