Faculty Accomplishments | November 2019
Noland, T.G. and Hardin, J.R. (November 2019). Closed Businesses and 401(k) Funds. Strategic Finance, 101(5), 15-16.
Economics and Finance
In Action:
Ying Huang; Ronald W. Spahr; Mark A. Sunderman; Paul Bidanset, 2019, Estimating the Impact of
Crime on Neighborhood Property Values – A Geospatial Application, 2019 American Real Estate Society Manuscript Prize Winners
Chris Lawrey; Attended Southern Finance Association Conference in Orlando, FL; Chaired Session
A.3 Cash Management; Discussed paper “Trade Credit and Economic Policy Uncertainty”
Chris Lawrey; “Six Ways to Shop Smarter This Holiday Season” published on USA website. https://www.southalabama.edu/departments/publicrelations/pressreleases/112119spending.html
Marketing and Quantitative Methods
Hair, J., Howard, M. C., & Nitzl, C. (In Press). Assessing measurement model quality in PLS-SEM: Using confirmatory composite analysis. Journal of Business Research.
In Action:
Kim, J., Park, C. H., Coherent data imputation using aggregation and monopolization, Presentation
at DSI annual meeting New Orleans, November 2019
Alvin Williams received the Rusty Brooks SMA Distinguished Service Award, Society for Marketing
Advances, November 2019.