Faculty News
Economics and Finance
Ermanno Affuso, Reid Cummings, and Ben Le recently received notification that the Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics has agreed to publish their manuscript, “Wireless Towers and Home Values: An Alternative Valuation Approach Using a Spatial Econometric Analysis.”
Ermanno Affuso’s study “The environmental impact of El Nino southern oscillation forecasts” has been published in the volume 94 issue no. 1 of Tropical Agriculture on January 13, 2017.
Ying Huang and Violeta Diaz published an article titled “The Role of Governance on Bank Liquidity Creation,” in the Journal of Banking & Finance, volume 77. The article begins on page 137.
Kyre Lahtinen has an article forthcoming in The Journal of Investing titled "Compensation of Investment Advisors.”
Marketing and Quantitative Methods
Matt C. Howard, M. had a paper titled “A meta-analysis and systematic literature review of virtual reality rehabilitation programs” accepted for publication in Computers in Human Behavior.
The 11th edition of Joe Hair’s best-selling marketing textbook, MKTG, co-authored with Charles W. Lamb is coming out this year. Cengage is the publisher.
A new edition of A Primer of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) by Joe Hair, G. Tomas Hult, Christian Ringle, and Marko Sarstedt is available now. It is published by Sage.
Joe Hair, along with Marko Sarstedt, Christian Ringle, Kai Thiele, and Tomas Hult have an article titled “Mirror, mirror on the wall: a comparative evaluation of composite-based structural equation modeling methods,” that will be published in the Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, in volume 45, Issue 2, coming soon.
Joe Hair and Dana Harrison had an article accepted for publication in the Journal of Marketing Channels. The title of the article is “The Use of Technology in Marketing Channels: Digital Avenues for Dynamic Growth.” The article will be published in 2017.
Joe Hair, Jeanneane Nicholls, Charles Ragland, and Kurt Schimmel have an article titled “The Relevance of Ethics, CSR, and Sustainability Topics in the Business School and Marketing Curricula: Dean and Department Head Opinions,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Ethics Education in 2017.
Joe Hair, Carole L. Hollingsworth, Adriane B. Randolph, and Alain Yee Loong Chong have an article forthcoming in Industrial Management & Data Systems. The title of the article is “An Updated and Expanded Assessment of PLS-SEM in Information Systems.”
Joe Hair, Kati Barth, Doreen Neubert, and Marko Sarstedt published an article titled “Examining the Role of Psychological Ownership and Feedback in Customer Empowerment Strategies,” in the Journal of Creating Value, volume 2, issue 2, pp. 194-210.
Joe Hair, Marko Sarstedt, Christian Ringle, Kai Thiele, and Siggi Gudergan published an article in the Journal of Business Research, titled “Estimation Issues with PLS and CBSEM: Where the Bias Lies!”in volume 69, pages 3998-4010.
Joe Hair, Vijay K. Patel, Scott C. Manley, O.C. Ferrell, and Torsten M. Pieper’s article titled “Is Stakeholder Theory Relevant for European Firms?,” was published in the European Management Journal, volume 34, issue 6, pages 650-660.