Faculty News
Economics and Finance
Donald Epley has an article forthcoming in the Journal of Real Estate Literature titled “Assumptions and Restrictions On the Use of Repeat Sales To Estimate Residential Price Appreciation.” This paper presents an argument that indexes such as the well-known Dow Jones Case-Shiller Price Index are likely based on faulty theory.
ResearchGate recently notified Dr. Donald Epley that several of his publications have reached the "500 reads" with at least 10 known citations. One paper had reached 125 reads in 2015. Among the 302,000 authors in the Social Science Research Network, Dr. Epley ranks at the top 26.5% level in downloadable papers.
The latest edition of The Southern Business and Economic Journal includes Dr. Reid Cummings’ article, “Residential Real Estate Realities after the Financial Crisis: Examining the Effectiveness of Seller-Paid Incentives to Buyers and Agents.” In general, Dr. Cummings finds that both buyer and agent sales incentives can produce higher prices, but do not reduce time on market. A related study exploring the effectiveness of specific types and/or combinations of sales incentives is currently under review at The Journal of Real Estate Research.
Cross-department Collaboration
Dr. Pennywell and Nancy Lambe contributed their teaching innovation at SAP's annual academic conference. Dr. Pennywell is using SAP's simulation game in her financial analysis courses. Lambe presented our practical tips for using this simulation. The presentation was well received by new faculty needing a common sense approach to engaging students.
Dr. Matt Howard, a graduate of Pennsylvania State University, has joined the MCOB faculty, he is. Matt has two articles accepted for publication. The first is in the Journal of Organizational Behavior. The multiphase optimization strategy (MOST) and the sequential multiple assignment randomized trial (SMART): Two novel evaluation methods for developing optimal training programs. The second acceptance is in Industrial/Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, The relationship between the number of raters and the validity of performance ratings. His co-author on both papers is R. R. Jacobs.