Faculty News
Economics and Finance
Dengjun Zhang, Jinghua Xie and Ermanno Affuso’s research titled, “An Efficiency and Productivity Analysis of the Agricultural Sector in Alabama” was accepted for publication in the International Review of Applied Economics.
Ermanno Affuso, J. Reid Cummings and Huubinh B. Le’s manuscript, “The External Cost of Asbestos in the Housing Market” was accepted for publication in Applied Economics Letters.
Ying Huang and co-authors, Wei Sun, Ronald Spahr, and Mark Sunderman presented “Blight indices and neighborhood blight impact on property values” at the American Real Estate Society annual conference meeting in San Diego during April.
The Center for Real Estate and Economic Development recently presented the ”Smart Personal Finance Series” seminar entitled, “Managing Your Money After Graduation,” to students on the campuses of the University of Mobile and Spring Hill College.
Dr. Reid Cummings recently participated in the 2017 Association of Real Estate License Law Officials Mid-Year Conference in Louisville, Kentucky.
Management Department
Craig Pearce and Charles Manz’s new book on leadership, Twisted Leadership: How to Engage the Full Talents of Everyone in Your Organization, published by Maven House Press will be available in September. (mavenhousepress.com)
Christina Wassenaar successfully defended her dissertation, “What makes leadership shared: Test of a meditational model.” Her graduation date is summer 2017. Her dissertation advisors are: Dr. Michelle Bligh, Peter F. Drucker & Masatoshi School of Management, Claremont Graduate University; Dr. Ronald E. Riggio, Kravis Leadership Institute, Claremont McKenna College; and Dr. Rebecca J. Reichard, Division of Behavioral and Organizational Sciences, Claremont Graduate University
Chad Marshall, DBA Student Management, presented his study titled “Development and Analysis of a More Concise Feedback Environment Scale” at the SIOP meeting in April. His major professor is Matt C. Howard, Department of Marketing and Quantitative Methods.
Josh Cogswell, DBA Student – Management, presented his study titled “PsyCap Mediates Social Courage and Outcomes” at the SIOP meeting in April. His major professor is Matt C. Howard.
Undergraduate honors student, Emma Fairbanks successfully defended her Honors Thesis, “Formality of Human Resource Practices and Employee Satisfaction within Variously Structured Businesses.” Dr. Bill Gillis was the Chair of her thesis committee.
Marketing and Quantitative Methods
Josh Crownover and Alexander Theodore (Finance Undergraduate Students) each presented a paper at the Society of Business Industry and Economics (SOBIE) in Sandestin, Florida in April 20, 2017. Josh’s paper is titled, “A Study of Student Fee Allocations at Various Universities – How is the Money Distributed.” Alexander’s paper is titled, “Comparison of Stock Return Volatility Using Range Based Estimators.” Al Chow (Marketing and Quantitative Methods) and Kyre Lahtinen (Economics and Finance) are the student research advisors.