Faculty News
Accounting Publications
Terry Grant published an article titled “No More Hiding Lease Liability,” in Strategic Finance, volume. 98, issue 1,July 2016, pp. 40-47.
Russ Hardin, and Tom Noland published an article titled “The Tax Impact of Home Mortgage Modification Programs- 2016,” in Real Estate Taxation, volume 43(2), 9 Pages.
Russ Hardin, Tom Noland, and Mark Foster had an article accepted for publication in the Oil, Gas and Energy Quarterly titled “Common Small Business Tax Errors.” The article is forthcoming.
Accounting Faculty in Action
In May, Drs. Hardin, Prescott and Vann provided 8 hours of accounting training for employees at Continental Motors in Mobile.
In July, Dr. Prescott taught accounting and commercial lending topics at the Alabama Banking School, which was held at MCOB during the week of July 17 through 22.
Economics and Finance Publications
Huubinh (Ben) Le published an article titled ''A retrospective analysis of the competitive effects of the Southwest and Airtran merger in overlapping markets'' in the Economics Bulletin, volume 36, issue 3, pages 1650-1655.
Dr. Reid Cummings won the 2016 American Real Estate Society’s Practitioner’s Research Award for his paper entitled, “Motivating Capital Investment by Using the Audit Process to Increase Financial Transparency.”
The paper “The Impact of Clawback Provision on Cash Valuation” presented by Ying Huang, and coauthors Gady Jacoby, Ying Zhang, and Hongchao Zeng was a Semifinalist for Best Paper Awards at the Financial Management Association (FMA) annual conference, October, 2016, Los Vegas, CA
James Swofford presented a paper entitled, "Superlative Index Numbers and Revealed Preference Rankings" at the Society of Economic Measurement 2016 conference in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Ermanno Affuso’s article “The Environmental Impact of El Nino Southern Oscillation Forecasts,” was accepted for publication in Tropical Agriculture, The article is forthcoming.
Ermanno Affuso, along with co-authors Chelsea R Singleton,.Monica Baskin, Emily B. Levitan, Bisakha Sen, and Olivia Affuso published an article titled "Perceived Barriers and Facilitators of Farm-to-Consumer Retail Outlet Use Among Participants of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) in Alabama" in the Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition on pages 1-14.
Ermanno Affuso and co-authors Chelsea R. Singleton, Monica Baskin, Emily B. Levitan, Bisakha Sen, and Olivia Affuso published a study in the American Journal of Health Behavior titled "Farm-to-Consumer Retail Outlet Use, Fruit and Vegetable Intake, and Obesity Status among WIC Program Participants in Alabama." The study appeared in volume 40, issue 4, pages 446-454.
Ying Huang, Gady Jacoby, and Christine Jiang received notice their manuscript titled “The bonding hypothesis and the home market liquidity: Evidence of Chinese markets,” was accepted for publication in the Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money. The article will be published soon.
Ying Huang and co-author Hongchao Zeng published “The impact of capital shocks on M&A transactions,” in the Studies of Economics and Finance, volume 33, pages 126-146.
Economics and Finance Faculty in Action
Ying Huang and co-presenters Steven Xiaofan, Huoa Zheng, Chengbo Fu presented “Valuation of ADR IPOs” at the at the Symposium of Cross Country Issues on Credit, Banking, Asset Pricing, and Market Liquidity, Shanxi University, China, on June 23-25, 2016.
James Swofford’s student reading group, funded by the Charles Koch Foundation, read Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman.
Mobile Mayor Sandy Stimpson has appointed Dr. Reid Cummings to a 5-year term as a member of the Mobile Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners. Managing public housing for the City of Mobile, the Housing Authority works to become a dynamic catalyst for community and family empowerment through the strategic and coordinated delivery of quality affordable housing, quality of life initiatives, and other wealth building resources.
The members of the American Real Estate Society have elected Dr. Reid Cummings to a 5-year term as a member of the Society’s Board of Directors.
Management Publications
Alan Whaley (DBA 2016) and Bill Gillis’ article "Leadership development programs for healthcare middle managers: An exploration of the top management team member perspective" was accepted for publication in the Health Care Management Review. The article will be published soon.
Matt Howard published “The relationship between the number of raters and the validity of performance ratings” in Industrial/Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, volume 9, issue 2, pages 361-367.
Matthew Howard and co-authors J. L. Farr, A. A. Grandey, A. A., and M. B. Gutworth,
have an article forthcoming in the Journal of Business and Psychology, titled “The creation of the workplace social courage scale (WSCS): An investigation
of internal consistency, psychometric properties, validity, and utility.”.
Matthew Howard and R. R. Jacobs’ article titled “The multiphase optimization strategy
(MOST) and the sequential multiple assignment randomized trial (SMART): Two novel
evaluation methods for developing optimal training programs,” was accepted for publication
in the Journal of Organizational Behavior.
Management Faculty in Action
Jeanne Maes presented the Cultural Features of Indigenous Knowledge at the Pathways to Reconciliation conference in June in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Jeanne Maes presented “Mediating Cultural Differences” and “Facilitation and Partnering Skills: Enhancing the Mediator's Toolbox” at the Florida Center for Dispute Resolution's 2016 Annual Conference for Mediators and Arbitrators.
Matthew Howard and coauthors Juseob. Lee, Julia C. Rose, Elif U. Dogru, Laurie-Ann Millard, and Emily K Mahla, presented their paper “A Theory of Training-Technology Fit and Virtual Reality: A Meta-Analysis,” in a poster session at the 31st annual conference for the Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Anaheim, CA. last April.
Matt Howard, Juseob Lee, Elif U. Dogru, Julia C. Rose, E. K. Mahla, and Laurie-Ann Millard,. presented their paper “A Meta-Analysis of Virtual Reality Hardware, Software, and Participant Populations,” in a poster session at the 31st annual conference for the Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Anaheim, CA. in April.
Matt Howard, Julia C. Rose, Elif U. Dogru, Laurie-Ann Millard, Emily K. Mahla, Fanlu Gui, and Juseob Lee presented “Knowing an Organization, Digitally: Simulation Games in the Socialization Process, in a poster session at the 31st annual conference for the Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Anaheim, CA.
Juseob Lee, Matt Howard, Elif U. Dogru, Julia C. Rose, Laurie-Ann Millard, Emily K. Mahla, and Fanlu Gui presented “Testing Pre-Training Interventions for Virtual Reality Training: Investigating Seductive Details,” in a poster session at the 31st annual conference for the Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Anaheim, CA.
Juseob Lee, Matt Howard, Julia C. Rose, Elif U. Dogru, Emily K. Mahla, Laurie-Ann Millard, and Fanlu Gui, presented “Extending the Uncanny Valley Theory to Simulations,” in a poster session at the 31st annual conference for the Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Anaheim, CA.
Dr. Sonya Clark and Dr. Bob Wood presented the MCOB’s PREP Program to the participants at the AACSB Dean’s meeting in Biloxi in July.
On July 14th and July 15th, 2016, Sonya Clark administered a personality assessment to two groups of staff, "Personality Types and Communication in the Workplace" at the Faculty Club for the University of South Alabama Finance and Administration Department’s Staff Retreat.