Faculty Spotlight - James A. Hunt
The Mitchell College of Business is pleased to welcome James A. Hunt to the team. He is the Assistant Director of PREP and also serves as an instructor in the Department of Management in the Mitchell College of Business.
James is no stranger to the university, as he has been part of the family for over ten years. Having extensive experience in both undergraduate advising and recruitment, James understands the USA student. When in the classroom, he shares his expertise in the specialty areas of Business Communications, Small Group Communication, Interpersonal Communication, and Health Communication. You may also see him teaching Introduction to Public Speaking and a wide variety of first year experience courses.
Prior to joining USA, he had a diverse range of experiences, with more than twenty years in the non-profit sector and nearly ten years in the music industry where he was responsible for copyright management, contracts, licensing, and royalty processing.
Mr. Hunt has an undergraduate degree in organizational communication, a Master of Arts in Public and Corporate Communication, and a Master of Business Administration from the University of South Alabama.
His research areas include social media, social entrepreneurship, and leadership. He is interested in how emerging social technologies are shaping our personal and corporate environments, as well as how small to medium sized enterprises are using social media to connect with their customers. Clearly social media is impacting business, and James is interested in exactly how it is changing the organizational business model. But he is also interested in the human impact and understanding how the social media savvy individuals will translate these skills into leadership acumen. In addition to social media, he looks for ways to assist leaders in creating healthy organizations especially during organizational change.
Not only is James active in USA student organizations on campus, but he is also involved in civic organizations in the community. He has conducted training seminars in advocacy through effective communication, leadership, motivation, and team building. He is currently a member of the Southern Management Association.
"Our program has an ambitious agenda to prepare our students for success in the workplace,” James recently shared. “Through collaborative relationships on campus and in the community, we will work to provide creative and purposeful engagement opportunities for our business students."
We are pleased to welcome Mr. James Hunt to our college, and we look forward to the collaborative spirit he will bring as he shares his expertise with the students and faculty at the Mitchell College of Business.