Student Chapter of SHRM Hosted the Annual Alabama SHRM Student Conference and Wins First Place in Alabama HR Games

The USA Student Chapter of SHRM won first place in the inaugural Alabama HR Games. HR Games is a jeopardy style competition testing students’ knowledge of human resource management and general business topics. The students competed in four rounds against teams from Athens State University, Auburn University in Montgomery, and Jacksonville State University to qualify for the championship round against Jacksonville State University.
The conference featured Ms. Dorothy Knapp, Field Services Director in the Southeast Region for SHRM, who spoke to the students about professional qualifications and the importance of certification in HR. Dr. Kim LaFevor, Dean of the College of Business at Athens State University and the Director of College Relations for the Alabama State SHRM Council, provided an overview of Council activities in Alabama. Mr. David McElhaney, the Managing Partner at Global Recruiters of Huntsville, offered advice on preparing resumes, cover letters, and interviewing tips. Dr. Treena Finney, Professor in the Mitchell College of Business, spoke on intergenerational differences and the importance of understanding differences among people from various generations. Ms. Elizabeth Hebner, an alumnus of the Mitchell College of Business, who is a Branch Manager for Regions Bank, spoke about how to prepare a budget, strategies for saving and investing, and quickly paying off college loans.
The Mitchell College of Business winning team included Maranda Baker, Lauren Cranford, Cati Donkel, Emma Fairbanks, Mary Katelynn Sheffield, and Victoria Wink. All the students attending the conference appreciate the support of members from the Mobile SHRM, who volunteered their time to help with the HR Games. These members include Mary White, Jeanne Harris, Ursula Henderson, Cindy Martin, Sally Reynolds, Carol Statter, Shelley Stephens, Courtney Washington, and Harold Williamson.