MCOB Faculty Support Undergraduate Research

Faculty in the Mitchell College of Business support the University’s efforts to increase undergraduate research by encouraging student research and participating in the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program (SURF).
This year, Dr. Jack Shelley-Tremblay, who administers the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program in the Office of Undergraduate Research, came up with the idea of creating a journal for undergraduate research. The Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Spring issue features the abstracts of student research projects from the 2016 SURF program. The fall issue will contain full peer-reviewed papers of student research and creative works of art. Faculty members in the respective disciplines will peer-review the submissions and members of the Student Organization of Academic Research (SOAR) serve as the editors of the journal. Papers published in the journal will not be copyrighted so they can be published in other outlets, including academic journals.
Dr. Al Chow (Marketing and Quantitative Methods) is the advisor for the Student Organization of Academic Research and is the faculty advisor for the journal. Dr. Kyre Lathinen (Economics and Finance) is a mentor for students in the SOAR organization.
The current issue contains abstracts from two MCOB students’ research projects: Alexander Theodore (Finance) and Emma Fairbanks (Management).
Andrew Theodore and Jack Stover, MCOB Students, presented their research at the National Conferences on Undergraduate Research at the University of Memphis, April 6-8, 2017. They are pictured above with Dr. David Turnipseed, Department of Management.
Undergraduate students, Josh Crownover and Alexander Theodore presented their research projects at Society of Business, Industry, and Economics (SOBIE) in Sandestin, Florida on April 20, 2017. Dr. Al Chow, their mentor, also attended the conference.
As reported last month, in March the MCOB hosted the first Research Forum of the Student Organization of Academic Research (SOAR).