Message from the Dean

Posted on December 1, 2018 by MCOB Outreach
MCOB Outreach

Bob Wood

December has arrived.  Christmas music pervades all conscious thought.  I won’t cynically mention that retailers began the concert in October.  The stocks of Christmas decorations, wrapping, and other seasonal paraphernalia are also dwindling—these too magically appeared in later October.  Kudos to Nordstrom for refusing to join the rush and continue to start the season after Thanksgiving.

It is also the time for the annual appearance of classic Christmas specials and movies (A Charlie Brown Christmas and Miracle on 34th Street are personal favorites) and newer efforts that, for the most part, pale in comparison.  It’s also time for yet another pledge drive by national public television and countless other non-profits.  It is no wonder that almost a third of annual charitable giving occurs in December with over 10 percent of all giving occurring in the last three days of the year.  There is a concern that giving may decline given the changes in the tax law (the doubling of the standard deduction may lead to fewer itemized returns and the loss of the charitable giving deduction.)  Surprising no one, the citizens of the United States continue to be the most generous givers worldwide with 70-90 percent of American households giving.

I would be amiss if I failed to join the parade.  The Mitchell College is fortunate to have strong alumni support for our activities.  Scholarship funding has increased dramatically over the past few years.  The Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative continues; any endowed scholarship is matched 1:1 (effectively doubling the effect of the gift).  I would welcome the opportunity to discuss College scholarship needs at any time. 

Of equal importance to the students of the College is a gift of your time.  There are numerous opportunities for you to give.  We have nine advisory councils that help direct the College’s efforts and would welcome your participation.  In addition, professional participation as guest lecturers in classes are a highlight for the students.  We also covet the opportunity to assign class projects from companies in the area.  Business professionals willing to serve as mentors, internship providers, and other experiential learning opportunities are a great help to our students.  I will be glad to discuss any of these options with you.

On behalf of the faculty, staff, and students of the Mitchell College of Business, thank you for all that you continue to do that makes us who we are.  Best wishes for a great holiday season. 


Best Regards,

Bob G. Wood



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