Faculty Accomplishments - March 2018

Posted on March 1, 2018 by MCOB Outreach
MCOB Outreach


"Audit Alert: New Corporate Tax Rates Create Potential for Misunderstood Earnings and Large Year-End Adjustments," Terry Grant, Co-authored with X. Jasmine Bordere, Internal Auditing, Vol. XX, No. X, March/April 2018, pp. xx. 

Marketing & Quantitative Methods


Howard, M. C. (Accepted for Publication).  Scale Pretesting.  Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation. 

Howard, M. C. & Marshall, C. J. (Accepted for Inclusion).  Virtual Reality Training Programs.  In R. N. Landers (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Technology and Employee Behavior.

McKay, A. S., Lovelace, J. B., & Howard, M. C. (Accepted for Inclusion).  A meta-analytic investigation of creative-self efficacy: Applying a multi-level conceptual lens.  In R. Reiter-Palmon & J. Kaufman (Eds.), Individual Creativity in Organizations. 

Economics & Finance


"Operating Performance and Aggressive Trade Credit Policies" accepted at Journal of Banking & Finance by  Travis Box, Ryan Davis, Matthew Hill, Chris Lawrey.

Istiak, K., and A. Serletis (2018) "Economic Policy Uncertainty and Real Output: Evidence from the G7 Countries." Applied Economics (forthcoming).

Istiak, K. (2018) "A Comparison Between Corruption and Smuggling: Which One is Worse?" Theoretical Economics Letters 8 (2), 159-165.

Affuso Ermanno, and Kyre Lahtinen, (2018) "Social Media Sentiment and Market Behavior" accepted at Empirical Economics

Cummings, J. R., Ramirez, G. G., Sharma, D. S., and Lahtinen, K. D. (2018) “Motivating Capital Investment by Using the Audit Process to Increase Financial Transparency,” Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, 10(1), 81-114. https://doi.org/10.5296/ajfa.v10i1.11810

"The Future of Leadership in Public Universities: Is Shared Leadership the Answer?", Public Administration Review (forthcoming) Craig L Pearce, Christina Wassenaar and Bob G Wood



"The Future of Leadership in Public Universities: Is Shared Leadership the Answer?", Public Administration Review (forthcoming) Craig L Pearce, Christina Wassenaar and Bob G Wood

“Resilient teams share more: The link between shared leadership and resiliency” 2018 Eastern Academy of Management Christy Goodnight

In Action:

Dr. Ronald Eastburn is nominated by Scholar Athlete, Laura Labuschaigne, for the Most Influential Person on her Academic Career

Nany Lambe and Jeanne Maes were guest speakers at the Coast Guard Base for Women’s History Month.



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