Faculty Accomplishments - September 2018

Posted on September 1, 2018 by MCOB Outreach
MCOB Outreach

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Baldwin, A.A., Hayes T., and Lightbody M. 2018. The Initial Placement of Minority Accounting Doctoral Graduates: A Historical Perspective, Federation of Business Disciplines Journal 6, 1-21.

Hardin, J.R. and Prescott, G.L. (May 2018). Section 409A NQDC  Plans: The Relevant Regulations. Practical Tax Strategies 100(5), 4-15.

In Action:

27th Annual SET (Strategic & Emerging Technologies) Research Workshop Best Faculty Paper Award (American Accounting Association, annual meeting, August 2018), for:

Bringing emerging technology research in accounting classrooms: A bibliometric approach, by

  • Qi Liu, University of Rhode Island
  • Victoria Chiu, SUNY Oswego
  • Brigitte Muehlmann, Babson College
  • Amelia Baldwin, University of South Alabama

Dr. Gregory L. Prescott taught 20 hours of executive education for the 43th Session of the Alabama

Banking School held at the Mitchell College of Business during the week of July 15 - 20th, 2018.

Economics and Finance


Cummings, J. R., Lahtinen, K. D., and Hunsader, K. J. (2018). “Real Estate Pre-License Education: A National Call for Transparency,” Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education, 21(1), 77-84. https://doi.org/10.5555/1521-4842.21.1.77

In Action:

Dr. Kyre Lahtinen gave a talk titled “Investor Psychology” at the 2018 Gulf Coast Estate Planning Conference in September 2018.



Turnipseed, D. L. & Landay, K. (doctoral student - U of Ala) (2018) . The role of the Dark Triad in Academic Incivility. Personality and Individual Differences, 135, 286 - 291.

In Action:

Turnipseed, D. L. & Landy, K. (doctoral student - U of Ala). (2018). In the Eye of the Beholder: The Dark Triad and Academic Incivility. Presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, 13 August, 2018. 

Marketing and Quantitative Methods


Kim, J., Tawarmalani, M. & Richard, JP.P. On cutting planes for cardinality-constrained linear programs, Math. Program. (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10107-018-1306-0

Howard, M. C. & Cogswell, J. (In Press).  The “other” relationships of self-assessed intelligence: A meta-analysis.  Journal of Research in Personality.

  • Cogswell is a Mitchell College of Business DBA student

Howard, M. C. (2018).  The measurement, nomological net, and theory of perceived self-esteem instability: Applying the conservation of resources theory to understand the construct.  Psychological Reports.


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