Mitchell Scholars | Fall 2020

Posted on January 13, 2021 by MCOB Outreach
MCOB Outreach

Freshmen Mitchell Scholars Class data-lightbox='featured'

grace brown


Grace Brown
Finance / Birmingham, Ala.

Aspirations after college: After graduating from the University of South Alabama, I would like to find a job in the field of finance.

Hobbies: Outside of my classes, I enjoy reading, hiking, camping, doing anything crafty, and spending time with my friends and family.


Sean Goosherst

Sean Goosherst
Entrepreneurship / Chicago, Ill.

Aspirations after college: After graduating South, I want to work with other entrepreneurs in starting businesses and travel.

Hobbies: In my free time, I enjoy playing guitar and piano, biking, spending time outdoors, drawing, yoga, and hanging out with friends.

Lorna Gurley

Lorna Gurley
Business Administration / Mobile, Ala.

Aspirations after college: After graduating college, I aspire to attend The University of Alabama at Birmingham and obtain an HMA. After that, I hope to work my way up to be the CEO of a hospital.

Hobbies: In my spare time, I enjoy trying out restaurants that specialize in desserts, playing water sports, going to the beach, shopping at resale stores, and traveling.

Trey Hall

Trey Hall
Finance / Pensacola, Fla.

Aspirations after college: After college, I’m hoping to become a certified financial planner and help people manage their debts and get themselves on track for a healthy, debt-free retirement.

Hobbies: Bowling, playing guitar, collecting,
history, and writing.

Ridge Ham


Ridge Ham
Finance / Mobile, Ala.

Aspirations after college: After graduating from the University of South Alabama, I aspire to become a financial advisor.

Hobbies: Some things I enjoy doing in my free time are playing basketball, running, swimming, and taking photos.

Rose Hunter


Rose Hunter
Marketing / Fairhope, Ala.

Aspirations after college: After graduating from South, I plan to attend graduate school and earn my MBA.

Hobbies: In my free time I enjoy spending time with friends and family, going to the gym, and playing flute/piccolo.

Kaitlin Maples


Kaitlin Maples
Accounting / Chunchula, Ala.

Aspirations after college: I plan to get a job in an accounting firm and move further north.

Hobbies: I enjoy reading, sewing, hanging out with my friends, and playing the piano.

John - Phillip McMullan

John - Phillip McMullan
Finance & Economics / Birmingham, Ala.

Aspirations after college: I hope to begin
making a living running my own company.

Hobbies: I play basketball and guitar.

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