Leading the Way

Posted on June 10, 2021 by MCOB Outreach
MCOB Outreach

Senior Mitchell Ambassadors data-lightbox='featured'
Senior Mitchell Ambassadors

The Mitchell College of Business Ambassadors are responsible for representing the college both on campus and in the community, building relationships between students, faculty, and guests, hosting events, and speaking on behalf of MCOB students. This year, the business college was fortunate to have twelve outstanding senior ambassadors lead within the organization, in the classroom, and throughout the university. 


Dean Benton

Dean Benton
Major: General Management
Unique Fact: Benton was severely allergic to peanuts his entire life, until about three years ago. Now, peanut M&Ms are his favorite snack.

Over the last four years, Dean Benton has taken every opportunity to grow and explore interests within the USA community— a community that, according to Benton, has made all the difference. "When I started taking classes at the Mitchell College, everything started making sense and I was engaged in what I was learning. Another confirmation for me was the community within the college; I got along well with students and the professors really cared about me on a personal level.” 

After graduation, Benton plans to call Mobile home with his new fiancé, Kinley, while continuing to explore careers in the business field. “Upon graduation, I want to gain experience in the management and leadership areas of a Mobile-based company. If I have learned anything in college, it is that no two firms are the same. I want to be able to work in different environments with a variety of people to see which field is the best fit for me.”


Anthony Coticchio

Anthony Coticchio:
Major: General Management
Unique Fact: Coticchio grew up with a mini pig as one of his family’s house pets. The pig was supposed to stay small, but actually grew into a full-size hog. 

When he decided to attend the University of South Alabama, Anthony Coticchio landed far from his home in Belvidere, Illinois. Leary at first, he now looks back over the years with confidence in his decision. “I was unsure about my career path.  I decided to declare a major in general management because I liked the broad aspects it represents.  I really enjoyed all of my management classes and a lot of that is due to Professor Jay Hunt. I knew management was the right choice for me.”
Coticchio also recognizes the importance of growing a network. “As a member of the Mitchell Ambassadors, I have been motivated to give back to the business college community. In addition, I have developed relationships with many of the MCOB faculty and staff. Developing my professional network has always been a top priority.”

Anthony plans to move closer to home in Illinois, where he will apply for a full-time marketing position, with hopes of becoming a leader in the industry. 

Nick Dailey

Nick Dailey
Major: Economics and Finance
Unique Fact: Dailey was one of 18 people in his graduating high-school class in Huntsville, Alabama.

Nick Dailey was recruited as a Mitchell Scholar and has since become a key member of organizations including Mortar Board, Alpha Tau Omega, and Southerners USA Ambassadors (in addition to the Mitchell Ambassador program).

“I feel like being a Mitchell Ambassador has allowed me to interact with these people [professionals] in more of a real-world setting. I am deeply appreciative for the connections and insight I have garnered here.  The opportunities it presented me with and the people it allowed me to meet, within the program, around the college, and throughout the community, have all been extraordinary.”

He chose to major in finance and economics. Dailey stated, “I found the program to offer a nice balance in material that challenged me and material in which I excelled.”
Moving forward, Nick plans to use the hard skills he has accumulated through his degree in Economics and Finance while exploring the possibility of dental school or a career in the business sector. 

Kelsey Edwards

Kelsey Edwards:
Major: Finance
Unique Fact: When she was younger, Edwards had a fascination with collecting snow globes. Now, she collects a new one from each place she visits. She currently has 60 snowglobes in her collection.

Kelsey Edwards uncovered a strong aptitude for solving financial problems after participating in the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF). “I reached out to Dr. Chow, my freshman year, after he had encouraged his students to consider SURF. Ever since, he has helped guide me through my undergraduate journey and motivated me to accomplish my goals.  Analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating numbers is like a puzzle to me and I find joy in solving the puzzle.”

Kelsey capitalized on yet another opportunity to get involved through the Mitchell Ambassadors program. “After the process of being selected, I immediately felt welcomed by the other Ambassadors. It has also given me the opportunity to give back to the MCOB and share, with current and prospective students, how my experience has been while helping them establish theirs.” 
Edwards, a graduating senior from Alabaster, Alabama, is looking forward to using her finance degree to pursue a master’s degree in finance and a career in investments or actuarial science.

Cassidy Geeslin

Cassidy Geeslin
Major: Marketing
Unique Fact: Geeslin has a YouTube channel to create videos and memories  she might look back on one day.

Cassidy Geeslin is a graduating senior from Alabaster, Alabama, whose experience at the Mitchell College of Business has made all the difference. She credits time spent as a marketing intern and Ambassador as high points in her academic career. “The Internship Program was definitely my pivotal point that really solidified my desire for marketing management. While doing a marketing internship at the MCOB, I knew instantly that I had picked the right career path.  I would love to recognize Mrs. Megan Bennett for being the best support system over the past year and a half.”
Geeslin joined the Mitchell Ambassadors and deepened her involvement at the College throughout her senior year. “My experience as an Ambassador has helped me grow further by expanding my skills, including leadership, communication, and involvement.  Being a part of the Ambassador program has been my biggest and most rewarding accomplishment yet.” 
Moving forward, Cassidy hopes to continue marketing work in Nashville, Tennessee. 

Macy Glisson

Macy Glisson:
Major: Accounting
Unique Fact: Over the last year, Glisson has been running her own event planning business.

Ambassador Macy Glisson has leveraged her time at the Mitchell College of Business to get involved and connect with others. “I had an amazing experience and was able to build relationships with other Ambassadors. Prior to the program, I was very shy and stayed to myself; being an Ambassador pushed me out of my shell.  As an Ambassador, people have asked me all about South and my personal experience. I enjoy sharing and visiting with others about my time at the University, as well as the Mitchell College community.”

Glisson credits one course with guiding her academic career. “It was my first accounting class that really pushed me to pursue a degree in accounting. I was really unsure about it at first but continued to enjoy the class and could see myself working in accounting after I graduated.” 
In the future, Glisson plans to receive a master’s degree in accounting and sit for the CPA exam. She is confident that her experience and education will prove vital to her future. 

Brenda Landa-Silva

Brenda Landa-Silva
Major: International Business
Unique Fact: Landa-Silva hiked a volcano that once erupted and left a town in ruins. 

Originally from Morelia, Michoacan, in Central Mexico, Brenda Landa-Silva grew up with a deep appreciation for different cultures, businesses and people. Reflecting on her time at the Mitchell College of Business, Brenda thought of those who guided and supported her interests. “There are multiple faculty and staff members who have made an impact on my experience at the MCOB.  They never failed to provide guidance from beginning to end.”

As an Ambassador, Brenda didn’t allow circumstances to prevent her from adapting and making the best of the opportunity to lead students through a challenging, COVID-restricted time. “This year’s Ambassadors have had a unique experience; we have not done everything that past Ambassadors typically do. I am grateful for this opportunity because we have learned to adapt to things as a group. We have been alongside the College and its students adapting to the new ‘normal’.”

Following graduation, Brenda plans to relocate to a major U.S. city and begin working for a multinational company.


John MacLatchie

John MacLatchie
Major: Finance
Unique Fact: MacLatchie is known for being strangely good at writing song lyrics and predicting the future. Today's prediction:  “You're going to look back at bitcoin in 10 years and wish you didn't buy more!”

John M. MacLatchie’s academic and professional journey at South Alabama has taken him far from home in Greenwood, California.  MacLatchie had his sights set on politics until he realized change could come from other sources. “I woke up to the fact that real and lasting change in the world doesn't happen in politics.  Advancements within the structure of our society come from individuals and organizations that create goods and services that fill a need within the market.”
Reflecting on his time as an Ambassador, MacLatchie said, “So far, being an Ambassador has helped my peers and me open the door to reach the next level in our professional lives. I have grown close with several professors and have gotten to know some absolute rockstars in the business community here in Mobile.”

“Going to a school far away from home can be intimidating.  The faculty here at the MCOB are extremely supportive and go the extra mile to ensure students have what they need to navigate successfully throughout their studies.”


Michael Mcgowan

Michael McGowan:
Major: Supply Chain 
Unique Fact: When he has free time, McGowan enjoys playing the guitar. 

Mobile native Michael McGowan’s experience as an Ambassador reinforced his decision to study business. “Acceptance into the Mitchell Ambassador program solidified my decision regarding my major of study. It showed me that my hard work was not going unnoticed and that the goals I had set for myself were attainable and that there were people who would support me through the process.”

McGowan credits Emmy Rieske for such encouragement. “She was the reason I decided to take a chance to be a part of this amazing program. She also makes it a point to check on me academically and in my everyday life, which can be more important to a college student than some think. There are many I could thank for getting me to where I am today. I am forever grateful for those people and the opportunities I will have in the future because of them.”

Filled with motivation, McGowan plans to start his own business after graduating from the College.

Reese Morris

Reese Morris:
Major: Accounting
Unique Fact: Growing up with a father in the military, Morris has lived in seven states and attended four high schools and three middle schools.

At South, Reese Morris used his ability to adapt in impressive ways throughout his four years as an accounting major and Mitchell Ambassador Co-Chair. As Co-Chair of the Ambassadors during the COVID-19 pandemic, Morris led students through a very different year. He said, “Most of my experience has been during COVID; however, the MCOB still makes me feel involved.  I have been given the opportunity to interact with the administration of the College and feel I have a voice.  I believe I am making an impact and am on the front lines.  I have grown closer to my professors and look at the College in a different light.”

Following graduation, Morris plans to continue his education with an MBA degree before sitting for the CPA exam. Following his schooling, he hopes to work as a public accountant.

Andrea Prgomelja 

Andrea Prgomelja 
Major: Management
Unique Fact: Andrea has worked for two non-profit organizations during her time at South. 

Originally from Zagreb, Croatia, Andrea Prgomelja was involved in the USA and Mobile communities where she received performance awards as president of the Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization.

Prgomelja’s interest in management and entrepreneurship was fostered through her involvement in the College. “When I joined the Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization (CEO), I began to make connections in the community and learn from various business owners. Hearing about their experiences and seeing how passionate they were about their businesses pushed me to further my own dreams of starting a business.”

She credits Dr. Mosley, CEO advisor and Melton Center Director, as a core influence in her success. “He has helped me grow so much over the past several years at South. He has always pushed me to follow my dreams and go the extra mile. Without him, I would not have had the experiences and opportunities moving forward that I have today.”
Following graduation, Prgomelja has plans to find a career in marketing and business management and later return to further her education.

Courtney Williams

Courtney Williams
Major: HR Management
Unique Fact: Williams has modeled professionally. 

Courtney Williams, a native of Spanish Fort, Alabama, chose to attend the University of South Alabama after attending high school virtually. Being an Ambassador has been her favorite part of attending the University of South Alabama: “My experience has been transformational. I have grown as a student and as an individual, made connections with business professionals, and formed relationships with my peers. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this program. I have loved every minute, and I have made memories that will last a lifetime.” 
MCOB faculty and staff shaped her career at South: “I would also like to thank all my management professors for showing up, answering questions, taking an interest in me, and being passionate about the MCOB, their students, and the subject matter. Thank you for making my collegiate experience so great!”
Following graduation, Williams aspires to attend law school and pursue a career as a corporate lawyer.



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