
Posted on October 1, 2019 by MCOB Outreach
MCOB Outreach

BUS 301

Business students working on team building
Business students working on team building
Business students working on team building

MCOB juniors in the BUS 301 class worked on team building and leadership skills by thinking outside of the box. Instructor Jay Hunt led his students in 'The Maze' class activity where the entire team had to discover the correct path through a grid of squares.  After being told only “yes” or “no” if they had made a correct step, each student had to nonverbally communicate with their team members and work together to figure out the correct path out of the maze.


Female business leader
Female business leader
Female business leader
Female business leader

MCOB recognized National Business Women’s Week 2018 by inviting women business leaders to speak to MCOB students.

Ambassador Photoshoot

Two female ambassadors hugging
Ambassadors playing with beach ball on the beach
A male ambassador holding another male ambassador in his arms on the beach
A photographer taking a picutre of a student ambassador

Mitchell Ambassadors took a break from studying to do a photoshoot on the beach with Elizabeth Gelineau.

Lunch & Learn

Man giving a presentation in front of class
Class raising their hands
Two female students talking to female presenter

Northwestern Mutual representatives Keith Frye and Becky Broersma spoke to students earlier this week about the mentality and lifestyle that comes with being an entrepreneur.

Scholars Breakfast  

Dr. Waldrop with the scholars outside of MCOB
Dr. Waldrop speaking to students

The Mitchell Scholars and Dean Wood met with President Waldrop this morning. During the breakfast, along with personal anecdotes, the Mitchell Scholars gave suggestions for improvements that could be made around campus.

Scholars Reception 

Three female scholars smiling sitting at table
Mr. Mitchell speaking to scholars
Mr. Mitchell standing with scholars in front of MCOB

Mitchell Scholars and their parents dined with  Mr. Mitchell and Dean Wood at the annual Mitchell Scholars reception.


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