Economic Snapshot Overview by Dr. Reid Cummings - June 2019
Posted on June 24, 2019 by Dr. Reid Cummings

Greetings, and welcome to the June 2019 Mobile Bay Economic Snapshot.
Our readers know we track a wide range of timely and topical data points. For each dataset, our corresponding dashboard helps frame things in a visually appealing and informative way. Some of our information is local, some is regional, and some is broader in scale. Whether its real estate sales, construction permits, business licenses, financial indexes, demographics, interest rates, unemployment and workforce statistics, and more, we try to track things of interest and that matter to the folks living and working in our region.
June 1 marks the start of hurricane season, a reminder to us all to start thinking about being informed and getting prepared. Hurricanes are scary to anticipate, frightful to experience, and the recovery, well, it’s always more than dreadful. No one ever looks forward to the next one, and all of us hope that when one comes our way that no one is harmed and that property damages are minimized. Some people find hurricanes fascinating to study and to that end, Jana Stupavsky and Neel Patel have worked recently to complete and launch our latest effort. Our new Hurricane Dashboard tracks the path of each named storm affecting the Gulf from the point of tropical depression formation to U.S. landfall. By alternating hurricane category strength and timeframe selections, users change the corresponding hurricane paths tracked and displayed, while hovering over each path reveals details about each storm. To be clear, our Hurricane Dashboard is not a prediction tool; that is for the experts. It is a tool for studying something of interest and that matters to us all. We hope you find it useful.
As you fill out the rest of your summer calendars, please mark Thursday, August 8 to attend our Gulf Coast Real Estate & Economic Education Conference. Renowned real estate strategist Chris Lee will offer insights into current and emerging national and international real estate industry trends. Elliot Eisenberg will join us again with his common-sense approach to understanding the complexities of our economy. This year we added an economic development component to the conference program. Alabama Secretary of Commerce Greg Canfield will join us to discuss statewide activity, setting the stage for our panel discussion featuring some of the Gulf Coast’s top economic development professionals. Expanding one of our themes from last year, our cybersecurity panelists will discuss real cybercrime situations and offer solutions for transforming your approach to cybersecurity. The conference will be on campus, so access and parking will be a breeze. Register today!
Until next time, from everyone at the Center, we wish you and yours all of the best.