SoC uses Technology to give back

Posted on March 30, 2020 by Udaykumar Nandhigama
Udaykumar Nandhigama

Mr. Ricky Green and his invention, Mobile Makerspace data-lightbox='featured'

Karin Bryson, Academic Records Specialist for School of Computing and Ricky Green, Full-time instructor for School of Computing, both proud Alum of the University of South Alabama, came together to help during the Covid-19 global pandemic.

Karin Bryson’s sister and brother in law work in healthcare in California, Karin saw firsthand how shortages in protective masks were impacting her own family. Knowing that Ricky Green owns and operates the Mobile Makerspace, she investigated designs for 3D printed masks. She reached out to Ricky to see if he would be interested in trying to print 3D masks for our healthcare professionals that are in desperate need. Ricky and Karin found a design, Ricky reached out to his friends at the Mobile County Public Library and asked if they would be interested in donating their 3D printers to help increase production. Mobile County Public Library was happy to partner with Mobile Makers Space and provided all their 3D printers and filament. With all the players in place, the production of masks started on Friday, March 27th, 2020. Be sure to follow our social media to stay up to date on everything that is happening in the School of Computing

If you or your organization would like to partner with Mobile Makers Space by donating materials or printers toward the production of masks, please reach out to Ricky Green at


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