LevelUP Around Campus!
Posted on October 9, 2023 by Academic Enhancement
With the launch of the LevelUP QEP during the Fall 2023 semester, the Office of Academic
Enhancement has engaged with several groups on campus to discuss reflective practices,
artifact selection, and electronic portfolio creation related to the LevelUP QEP.
“The initial response to our LevelUP QEP from the campus community is exceeding expectations,,” said Julie Estis, Ph.D., Executive Director of Academic Enhancement.
New Faculty Scholars
The University of South Alabama New Faculty Scholars Program is a year-long program offered by the Innovation in Learning Center to support South’s newest faculty by providing support for scholarly achievement, innovative teaching, and outstanding public engagement and service. During a monthly meeting of the New Faculty Scholars, the Office of Academic Enhancement offered a session introducing the LevelUP QEP and supporting the Scholar's creation of electronic portfolios in Portfolium, the Canvas ePortfolio tool.
As a result of the session, one New Faculty Scholar said, “I will include a section on ePortfolios in my Capstone course for senior students.” Another noted, “I am motivated to update my online presence (not only ePortfolio but also LinkedIn).”
SouthALACADA's goal is to enhance and inspire academic advisors at the University of South Alabama. SouthALACADA provides professional development and programming for advisors at the institution to help foster the educational growth of the academic advising community across campus.
At a recent meeting of SouthALACADA, the Office of Academic Enhancement introduced the LevelUP QEP and offered a session on creating electronic portfolios to South Alabama advisors, staff from International Admissions, Career Development, Study Abroad, and One Stop, among others.
“Reflection of my growth has been really important to both my professional and personal development as of late,” said one participant. “I plan to involve myself in more collaborations and projects to further develop myself and my skills.”
Another participant noted that as a result of attending the LevelUP session, they will, “Encourage students to take advantage of this resource and incorporate competencies in my conversations with student athletes!”
Career Peer Champions
As a Career Peer Champion (CPC) at South Alabama, students serve as ambassadors of the Career Center by conducting presentations on career-related topics, and promoting services and resources to the University community. Their role often involves helping their peers with tasks such as resume writing, interview preparation, networking, and job search strategies. They also organize workshops, seminars, or networking events to facilitate career-related discussions and skill development. Career Peer Champions play a crucial role in fostering a supportive and collaborative environment that encourages the professional growth and success of their peers.
Dr. Michelle Hale, LevelUP Project Manager, recently met with the South Alabama CPCs to discuss the creation and benefits of electronic portfolios, as well as adding artifacts and reflections. As a result, the Career Peer Champions are prepared to serve as a resource for other South Alabama students as they gather artifacts, write reflections, and build their ePortfolios.
About the LevelUP Quality Enhancement Plan:
The University of South Alabama’s (USA) LevelUP QEP is a campus-wide initiative aimed at uniquely preparing students for what comes next. The LevelUP Quality Enhancement Plan affirms the commitment of South Alabama to our students and continuous improvement of their learning experience. It is an integral component of our SACSCOC reaffirmation process, which seeks to demonstrate that USA is successful in achieving its mission with the appropriate resources, programs, and services to support specific educational goals.