Jaguar Memoirs

Jaguar Memoirs

The Project

USA alumni have inspiring, funny and heartwarming stories to tell from their time at South Alabama. Whether you graduated in the 1960s or last year, we want to hear your story. That’s why we’ve launched a new project called Jaguar Memoirs to collect the stories of alumni like you, in your own words. These stories will be preserved in a book that celebrates the impact South Alabama has had on your lives.

What Jaguar Memoir story will you tell?

  • Did a faculty or staff member have a profound impact on your life?
  • Did you meet your significant other at South?
  • Can you trace your career path back to a defining moment at South?
  • Have connections you made on campus turned into lifelong friendships?
  • Were you on campus during a historical moment?

PCI Partnership

By partnering with PCI, we’re able to access their trained staff who are excited to listen to what you have to share. PCI will also help collect and assemble the stories into the Jaguar Memoirs book that we can share with all South Alabama alumni. Please note, we have only shared your contact information with PCI in conjunction with this project. We have NOT sold your contact information, or otherwise used it for outside marketing purposes.

Do I Have to Buy Anything?

No. This project is being done at NO COST to the USA National Alumni Association. The project is completely funded by the alumni who choose to purchase the Jaguar Memoirs book that will be produced at the end of the project. Various book packages will be offered. PCI will also offer you the option to purchase other USA National Alumni Association-branded merchandise, as well as an Alumni Association membership. You are welcome to purchase these items, but you are not required to do so to participate in the project or to order the Jaguar Memoirs book. We sincerely thank every person that participates and chooses to purchase the book.

Has your Address Changed?

As part of this project, we are also taking this opportunity to help make it easier for you to stay connected to South Alabama. PCI will help us collect updated contact information from those of you who may have moved and inadvertently lost touch with your alma mater.

What’s Next?

Soon you will be receiving email and postcard communications from the PCI team with instructions on how to participate. We’d like to invite you to share one of your stories with us and take part in this first of its kind project to honor the experiences and voices of our alumni. The PCI team will collect stories until October 8, 2021. After that, they will enter a post-production phase editing the data. We hope to have the book distributed in late spring 2022.

Check your Mail and Email

Below is an example of a postcard you will receive in the mail. This is an official postcard from the USA National Alumni Association, distributed by our partner PCI. Once you receive the postcard, please follow the instructions to update your information and set up an interview time to share your Jaguar Memoirs.

Front of Postcard
Back of Postcard


Below is an example of an email you will receive in your email inbox. Once you receive the email, please follow the instructions to update your information and set up an interview time to share your Jaguar Memoirs. If you do not receive it, please take this opportunity to call PCI at 1-800-982-1590 and update your contact information so we can stay connected.

Email example

Contact Information

If you have any other questions regarding the project, please reach out to PCI customer service desk at 1-800-982-1590 or the USA National Alumni Association at (251) 460-7084.


▼   I received an email/postcard/phone call from a company asking for my personal information and a story about University of South Alabama. Is this a legitimate project or is it a scam?
This is legitimate! The USA National Alumni Association has partnered with PCI (also known as Publishing Concepts) to produce an Oral History Publication for University of South Alabama. PCI is a family-owned business based in Dallas, TX that has published directories for educational institutions, fraternities, sororities and military organizations across the nation for almost 100 years. This project allows the USA Alumni Association to hear about your personal experiences and explain how South has helped shape your lives.
▼   Does University of South Alabama benefit from this?

Yes, in a few different ways:

  1. Updated Information – allows us to effectively communicate with our alumni
  2. Legacy – preserves the history of South Alabama
  3. Revenue – generates membership revenue for alumni programs
  4. Pride – wearing apparel shows support and love for our school
▼   How do I know my information will only be used for Oral History Project purposes?
PCI is committed to protecting your information. The names, addresses and information provided to PCI for the publication of the Oral History Project will be held confidential by PCI, except to the extent that they are utilized in, or in the preparation of, the Oral History Project and except as required by court order or law. Upon completion of the project, PCI will redact PII (Personal Identifiable information) from any and all electronic files that we have supplied or were produced by PCI in connection with the production of the Oral History Project.
▼   I would like to verify or update my information and share a story. How may I do this?

If you have received a postcard or an email with a telephone number, you may call the number to speak with a dedicated representative for the Oral History Project. The representative will verify all the information we have on file for you, make any updates where needed, then ask you to share your story about your time at University of South Alabama. Your story will be recorded and the sound clip provided to University of South Alabama at the conclusion of the project. 

If you have received an email with an embedded link, you may go to the online site to review your information and submit a story. 

▼   Can I choose what information prints in the publication?

When you call to update your information, you can tell the representative if you prefer any of your information be excluded. You can also communicate your preferences to PCI’s customer service helpdesk at 1-800-982-1590 /

▼   I shared a story and the representative said I could send some photos. How do I do this?

You will receive an email with a link to upload up to two photos (black and white or color) plus captions. 

If you have also purchased a book but do not have an email address on file, you will be sent a photo mailer to send physical photos in to be printed (note: photos will be returned if you include a self-addressed, stamped envelope).

▼   I’d like to add / remove info from my story.

You will receive an email prior to publication with a link to review your transcribed story and make any edits.

▼   Can anyone purchase a book?

The University of South Alabama Oral History Publication is available for sale only to University of South Alabama alumni.

▼   I ordered a book / package over the phone and would like to cancel my order. How do I do this?

Contact PCI’s customer service helpdesk at 1-800-982-1590 and they will take care of this for you.