Q & A with National Alumni Association President Doug Whitmore
Posted on June 28, 2018 by Alumni
Q: Looking back on the past two years, what do you consider the biggest accomplishment of the National Alumni Association?
A: Our decision to build the Julian and Kim MacQueen Alumni Center has been transformational. By providing alumni with a permanent home on campus, we expect to see more of our alumni visiting campus and also bringing more of the community to campus through the use of the Chief Calvin W. McGhee Grand Ballroom as well as other areas of the center.
Q: Where would you like to see the association in five years?
A: Over the next five years, I would like to see more innovative programming for our alumni. We currently offer many opportunities for alumni to connect with each other and the University but, as times change, I believe the association will continue to look at ways our alumni want to stay involved, such as JaguarsCare, which has been wildly successful in connecting alumni all over the world for service projects. I think we will see more educational opportunities available to our alumni, especially young alumni around areas in finance/banking, student loan repayment and career goals.
Q: Why did you become involved in the NAA?
A: I had a great experience at USA, and I wanted to work to make sure other students and alumni were afforded the same opportunities. I have always had an ability to connect people and to collaborate, and I wanted to use those skills to strengthen and expand our association. I had a mentor in college who was one of the most involved Jaguars I have ever known. He gave of his time, talents and treasure, never asking for anything in return. The joy he had when something he did yielded positive results was what I wanted to feel. I was recently able to honor him at the Distinguished Alumni and Service Awards Dinner, and that was one of the best days in my USA history.
Q: Why do you think it’s important for South alumni to stay involved with the University?
A: U SA alumni have a unique opportunity to make a lasting impact, not only by providing scholarships and naming buildings, but also by influencing future alumni to become involved. Being involved with your University is impactful. Giving back is what you should do when you are part of a community.