About the University Substance Abuse Screening and Assessment (USASA) Program:

The USASA program uses a harm reduction approach and is designed to:

  • Promote a non-judgmental environment to help you explore your alcohol and/or substance use
  • Reduce risky behavior and harmful consequences of alcohol and/or substance abuse
  • Identify changes that could help you reduce your risk
  • Provide important information and skills for risk reduction

Students who have an alcohol or substance use policy/legal violation on or off campus may be required to participate in the USASA by USA's Office of Student Conduct. Students may also self-refer to the program.

Time Commitment

The USASA program consists of two sessions with a USA staff member. During the first session, you will meet individually with a staff member and complete several assessments. You will also be screened for alcohol and substance abuse, depression, and anxiety. At the second session, the staff member will discuss your assessments and give you personalized feedback. You will explore ways to reduce future health, social, and legal risks. Additional sessions beyond the first two are available through Counseling and Wellness Center.


There is no fee for the USASA program.


USASA is located in the University Counseling and Wellness Center at 300 Student Center Circle, phone number (251) 460-7051


The information you share during the USASA sessions is confidential; however, we will disclose health information about you when required to do so by federal, state or local law. We may use and disclose health information about you when necessary to prevent a serious threat to your health and safety or the health and safety of the public or another person. Any disclosure, however, would only be to someone able to help prevent that threat. Mandated students will be asked to acknowledge a release of information statement that will allow USASA staff to verify completion with the appropriate USA offices.

An Evidence-Based Program

USA’s USASA program is based on a program created by Dr. Alan Marlatt (Former Director, Addictive Behaviors Research Center and Professor of Psychology at the University of Washington), the BASICS program.  The BASICS program is one of the most effective alcohol education interventions with college students. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has recognized BASICS as an evidence-based model program.

Contact Us

If interested, please call the University Counseling and Wellness Center at (251) 460-7051 and ask to be scheduled for a USASA assessment.