Realizing Dreams
In our first 50 years, USA has educated a remarkable number of talented and dedicated professionals in numerous fields and disciplines:
18,600 teachers and school administrators, including 85 % of Mobile’s public school teachers
11,500 business and accounting professionals
10,400 nurses
7,100 engineering and computing professionals
5,600 allied health professionals
The Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative seeks to help deserving students by…
Advancing Success
“Without the generous support of the Gosa Scholarship in Nursing, I would not have
been able to afford the opportunity to attend nursing school at USA. "
Fueling Excellence
“Because of my Presidential scholarship, I am able to devote more time to my studies
and to participate in clubs and organizations including the Southerners.”
Expanding Possibilities
“The Stallworths are helping students like me realize our dreams.”