Frequently Asked Questions for Employees
Employees are no longer required to report positive COVID-19 cases. To care for yourself and protect others, continue to follow general hygiene, public health guidelines, and seek medical attention if symptoms arise.
Absences due to illness or injury of an employee, including COVID-19, should be treated as sick leave. You must report your absence as soon as possible to your supervisor on the first day you are absent and daily thereafter. You should report your absence in accordance with your department’s call-in procedure. Tell your supervisor the nature of your illness or reason for your absence and how long you anticipate you will be unable to work.
Your supervisor has the responsibility to ensure that you use sick leave for legitimate purposes. Upon request of your supervisor, you may be required to show evidence of your illness (or if applicable, an immediate family member’s illness) in the form of a physician’s statement.
Sick leave is provided to protect you against loss of income during illness when you are unable to perform work duties because of illness or injury, when you must obtain health related professional services which cannot be scheduled outside regular work hours, and/or when you must care for a seriously ill member of your immediate family.
For details, refer to the University’s Sick Leave policy.
Absences due to illness or injury related to a serious health condition may be eligible for FML. To apply please complete this form The form must be submitted to your supervisor for signature. Your supervisor will then forward the form and supporting documentation to Human Resources for review and approval.
For additional information regarding FML please visit:
If you have sudden caring responsibilities for a sick or injured family member, you should report your absence in accordance with your department’s call-in procedure.
Absences due to illness or injury of a member of the employee’s immediate family, including COVID-19, should be treated as sick leave. If the purpose of your leave is to care for a serious ill family member, as defined by and in accordance with the University's sick leave policy, you may take up to 3 days paid sick leave per occurrence.
If your absence is related to a family member's serious health condition and you will remain out of work for more than 3 days, if eligible, you may apply for FML. With FML approval you may use accrued sick leave up to 60 work days or 480 hours. To apply for FML please complete this form:
The form must be submitted to your supervisor for signature. Your supervisor will then forward the form and supporting documentation to Human Resources for review and approval.
This answer is leave specific. Absences due to illness or injury of an employee, including COVID-19, should be treated as sick leave. If the purpose of the leave is your own serious illness, you will be required to use any accrued sick leave, subject to the University's sick leave policy.
Absences due to illness or injury of an employee may be eligible for FML. To apply please complete this form The form must be submitted to your supervisor for signature. Your supervisor will then forward the form and supporting documentation to Human Resources for review and approval.
Absences due to illness or injury of a member of the employee’s immediate family should be treated as sick leave. If the purpose of your leave is to care for a seriously ill family member, as defined by and in accordance with the University's sick leave policy, you may take up to 3 days paid sick leave per occurrence. If you will remain out of work for more than 3 days, if eligible, you may apply for FML. With FML approval you may use accrued sick leave up to 60 work days or 480 hours.
For events covered under the Family Medical Leave Act please visit:
For events approved under a personal leave of absence please visit:
Absences due to illness or injury of an employee that will keep you out of work for more than 3 days, may be eligible for FML. Any absence due to illness or injury of an employee that will exceed two or more weeks will require an application for a leave of absence, as applicable. To apply please complete this form The form must be submitted to your supervisor for signature. Your supervisor will then forward the form and supporting documentation to Human Resources for review and approval.
If the purpose of the leave is your own serious illness, you will be required to use any accrued sick leave, subject to the University's sick leave policy.
If the purpose of your leave is to care for a seriously ill family member, as defined by and in accordance with the University's sick leave policy, you may take up to 3 days paid sick leave per occurrence. If eligible, you may apply for FML. With FML approval you may use accrued sick leave up to 60 work days or 480 hours.
Any absence due to the illness or injury of an eligible family member that exceeds two or more weeks will require an application for a leave of absence, as applicable.
For events covered under the Family Medical Leave Act please visit:
For events approved under a personal leave of absence please visit:
For additional information regarding eligibility and the application process for a leave of absence of any type, please visit our Leave Policies webpage at:
The University of South Alabama does not allow light or modified duty. Employees should not perform work while on medical leave. Remote work is not available while caring for an eligible family member who is sick.
If you have a disability and wish to apply for a workplace accommodation, you may submit a request through the Workplace Accommodations program. Human Resources will assess the request in conjunction with the department, however Human Resources is responsible for the resolution of a reasonable accommodation.
Employees, with a serious health condition, or those who are caring for a family member with a serious health condition, may be eligible for Family Medical Leave. To apply please complete this form The form must be submitted to your supervisor for signature. Your supervisor will then forward the form and supporting documentation to Human Resources for review and approval.
Any employees who are experiencing personal concerns, such as anxiety or stress, are encouraged to reach out to the University of South Alabama’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for support. Counseling services are available via telephone, Zoom or in person, and are confidential. For information, please call (251) 461-1346.
The University will make every effort possible to provide a safe work environment. University leadership also understands that there are employees who may have unique health circumstances. Any employee with a disability that may require a reasonable accommodation and wish to apply for a workplace accommodation, may submit a request through the Workplace Accommodations program. Human Resources will assess the request in conjunction with the department, however Human Resources is responsible for the resolution of a reasonable accommodation.
Any employees who are experiencing personal concerns, such as anxiety or stress, are encouraged to reach out to the University of South Alabama’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for support. Counseling services are available via telephone, Zoom or in person, and are confidential. For information, please call (251) 461-1346.