Conference on Teaching and Learning | 2018
Partnerships & Pedagogies: Engagement, Innovation, Impact
The CoTL Steering Committee is pleased to invite you to the 8th Annual South Alabama
Conference on Teaching and Learning to be held in University of South Alabama Student
Center on May 7-8th 2018.
For latest updates follow @USA_ILC on Twitter using #COTL18Keynote.
Keynote Speakers
Peter Felten is a Professor of history, Assistant Provost for Teaching and Learning,
and Executive Director of the Center for Engaged Learning at Elon University. His
books include the co-authored volumes: The Undergraduate Experience: Focusing Institutions
on What Matters Most (Jossey-Bass, 2016); Transforming Students: Fulfilling the Promise
of Higher Education (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014); Engaging Students as Partners
in Learning and Teaching (Jossey-Bass, 2014); Transformative Conversations (Jossey-Bass,
Topic: How do we engage students as partners in teaching and learning?
Typically we teach to students. What happens if we approach our work differently,
aiming to teach with students? Emerging research suggests that engaging students as
partners in teaching and learning has the potential to enhance, and perhaps even transform,
student learning – and also our teaching. This interactive keynote will explore practical
strategies from diverse disciplines for creating and sustaining student-faculty partnerships
in teaching and learning.
POD Talks 1 Peter Felten, Engaging Students as Partners
Angela Linse is Executive Director of the Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence,
Associate Dean for Teaching at Pennsylvania State University, and President Elect
of POD Network. Linse has a Ph.D. in anthropology and has published and presented
on enhancing teaching and learning, diversity and inclusive teaching, program assessment,
student ratings, and strategic planning. Her most recent journal article is 'Interpreting
and Using Student Ratings Data: Guidance for Faculty Serving as Administrators and
on Evaluation Committees' in the journals, Studies in Educational Evaluation (2017)
and Women in the Academy: Learning from Our Diverse Career Pathways (Lexington 2016).
She regularly serves as a panel reviewer for the National Science Foundation.
Topic: How do we create truly inclusive courses? Practical approaches for faculty
Dr. Linse’s interactive keynote is designed to help us think about how to create course
environments in which all students can learn. We enable learning for all students
when we ensure that all of our students experience learning environments in which
they are respected as individuals and valued as unique contributors. CoTL attendees
will learn about established (and practical) inclusive teaching practices, identify
those they already use, and commit to trying additional strategies. Together we will
discuss why these practices are inclusive and why inclusion is critical for student
success. We will also consider research findings associated with two of the most intractable
barriers to inclusive teaching because they create exclusive learning environments.
Faculty will leave with the ability to identify and plan responses to exclusionary
incidents that may occur in courses and think about alternative actions.
PubHub - Undergraduate Research is Transformative for Students...and Faculty
2018 Conference Partners