Conference on Teaching and Learning | 2019
We are pleased to invite you to the 2019 Process Education/Conference on Teaching and Learning to be held at the University of South Alabama on June 24-26, 2019.
Call for Proposals (Extended Deadline March 31)
CoTL 2019 and Process Education Conference, June 2019
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the 9th South Alabama Conference on Teaching and Learning will be held in conjunction with the national Process Education Conference and Institute on the campus of the University of South Alabama June 24-29, 2019. This year, CoTL is partnering with the Academy of Process Educators for the summer professional development opportunity.
- The 2019 Conference theme is- "Reaching All Learners: Universal Design and Engagement". We think you will find this relevant and inclusive for many different approaches to teaching and learning.
- A detailed Call for Proposals with links is available above. The deadline for submission is coming up soon!
- A unique feature of the conference is an online breakout session in multiple conference time slots for online presenters and online attendees. This will allow for exclusive participation by our online faculty.
- Please read the section of the main conference webpage that talks about Collaborative Learning as a core organizing feature of the conference. Full participation through pre-reading, attendance and discussion will be expected of all attendees.
- A Curriculum Design Institute (June 27-29) will follow the conference and provide a structured way for teams of attendees to work on redesign of activities/modules/units within their course to emphasize active learning, student engagement and authentic assessment.
- A welcome reception is planned for the afternoon of Sunday, June 23 for conference attendees new to PE. This is scheduled to begin at 3pm.
- Conference registration (regular) for USA and CoTL partner schools is $200. Limited funds are available to provide reimbursement for USA faculty who attend at least 2/3 of conference sessions with priority given to presenters with accepted abstracts.
- Departmental teams (3-5) are encouraged to attend the Institute and incentivized through the registration system.
Your Campus points of contact:
S. Raj Chaudhury, Innovation in Learning Center,
Paige Vitulli, Dept. of Integrative Studies, CEPS,
Thomas Nelson, Melton Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, MCOB,
2019 Conference Partners