Students walking on campus.

Clery Act Compliance

One of the highest priorities at the University of South Alabama is maintaining warm and welcoming campus environments that not only allows everyone the right to be safe, but also to feel safe. In order to maintain a safe environment for its faculty, staff, employees, students, patients and visitors, the University of South Alabama will comply with the provisions of the “Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998,” (Clery Act) as amended. The Clery Act requires the University to report specified crime statistics and data to the Department of Education and to provide a variety of safety and crime information to the campus community as well as outline all required statements of policy in the annual security and fire safety reports.

The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (ASFSR) is published in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (known as the Clery Act) and is required to be published on or before October 1st of each calendar year. 

The ASFSR contains statistical data on specific Clery-reportable crimes for the three previous calendar years. Please review the definitions for the reported crime categories provided on page 17 of the ASFSR.

The ASFSR records crimes that were reported and occurred at the Main Campus, USA Health University Hospital, USA Health Children's & Women's Hospital, USA Health Providence Hospital (included in the 2024 ASFSR), USA Health Strada Patient Care Center, USA Health Mitchell Cancer Institute, USA Health medical clinics, and USA Baldwin County Campus in Fairhope. Statistical data for crimes that were reported and occurred on public property within or immediately adjacent to the Main Campus and USA Baldwin County Campus in Fairhope are included as well. 

The ASFSR also includes information about campus safety.  Areas of discussion in the ASFSR include, but are not limited to, procedures for reporting crimes, crime prevention and safety awareness, campus security and access, timely warnings and emergency notifications, emergency evacuation procedures and policies, notification of missing students, Title IX, etc. The ASFSR also includes fire safety and fire statistics at the end of the report. 

You may obtain a copy of the ASFSR by clicking the link provided below for a printable PDF, by calling 251-460-6312, or by visiting the University of South Alabama Police Department (USAPD) in person during normal business hours. USAPD is located at 290 Jaguar Blvd. 

Current Report:

Past Report:

Contact Information:
USA Clery
(251) 461-1476

For emergencies please call:
24 Hr. Patrol/Dispatch: (251) 460-6312
24 Hr. Text-A-Tip: (251) 219-0219