A Winning Tradition
Posted on November 24, 2020

Excellence is never boring, but the University of South Alabama chapter of Tau Beta Pi is making winning look routine. The national engineering honor society has once again received the R.C. Matthews Outstanding Chapter Award.
South is one of 250 active chapters in the nation and has now won the award two years in a row and four times in the past six years.
“I am excited that our chapter was honored for the second year in a row and I am extremely proud of the leadership and the members for their efforts,” said Sally Steadman, faculty advisor.
The award recognizes the quality of work of chapters based on service projects and fulfilling its objectives. During the 2019-20 academic year, South’s chapter was active not only on campus but in their community as well.
Among their service efforts, providing meals to disadvantaged families, assisting with Gulf Coast Exploreum events, the Mobile Regional Science and Engineering Fair, Sophomore Scholarship, panels for freshmen students focusing on academic success and graduate school seminars.
“There are only 2 chapters in the nation who have won this award more than 4 times, so our chapter, Alabama Epsilon, is exceptional,” Steadman said. “The chapter was selected this spring to pilot the on-line Initiation Ceremony and have been asked to present at the national convention on chapter successes.
Last year’s officers who have graduated, but provided the leadership and inspiration leading to this most recent award include, Nicholas Naylor, president, Fernando Lorenzo, vice president, Alyssa San Filipo, vice president, Delane Caldwell, corresponding secretary, Jacob Herring, treasurer, Jordan Harbison, recording secretary, Nick Herring, historian and Evan Mazur, social media.