Date: 08/28/2018
The Student Government Association assisted in funding the Student Health Clinic's Jag Health and Wellness Day by providing 125 vaccines for students.
Cost: 125 Vaccines for $3,125
Date: 09/11/2017
Through recognizing the need to reach out to their constituents Senators of the School of Computing received funding for costs associated with providing doughnuts, along with other refreshments, and Student Government Association promotional materials for a meet and greet hosted on September 19, 2017.
Cost: Krispy Kreme Doughnuts: $10.25 per dozen x 6 = $61.25
Date: 09/25/2017
Through recognizing the need to reach out to their constituents Senators of the College of Education and Professional Studies received funding for costs associated with providing snacks and refreshments for a meet and greet hosted on October 9, 2017 and October 10, 2017.
Cost: The Healthy Alternative @ $6.99 (20) = $139.80
Bottles of water @ $1.79 (25) = $44.75
Date: 11/13/2017
Through recognizing the need to provide their constituents, Senators of the College of Engineering received funding for costs associated with providing new water bottle filler stations and filters so that they might enjoy clean drinking water and an easy way to refill their bottles.
Cost: Water Fountains (3) @$1093.60 (each) = $3,280.80
Date: 11/27/2017
Through understanding the need for a more efficient orientation registration process in the College of Allied Health and recognizing the need for instructors and advisors to utilize laptops to efficiently perform their duties, the Student Government Association funded a tablet/laptop charging cart and 12 HP tablets.
Cost: $457.73 per tablet x 12 tablets = $5,492.76 + $339.39 per cart = $5,832.15 total.
Date: 11/13/2017
Through recognizing the need to support and encourage the continuous improvement of the University of South Alabama’s Honors College and the educational importance of cultivating an Honors College with modern technology and resources, the Student Government Association funded 4 mobile marker boards that came with freight charges and installation fees.
Cost: $1,078.98 per board x 4 = $4,315.92 + $650.00 freight charge + $187.00 installation fee = $5,152.92
Date: 01/07/2018
Through recognizing the identified needs of their constituents and addressing the dean of the Mitchell College of Business on how to best meet these needs through their Senate Project for the Spring of 2018, the Student Government Association funded 4 applause round top tables and 9 high density stacker chairs.
Cost: $454.85 x 4 = $1,819.40 + $112.75 x 8 = $902.00 = $2,721.40
Date: 01/22/2018
College of Nursing
Through the recognition of the need to help support and encourage its constituents at the University of South Alabama. The Student Government Association Funded the College of Nursing Senate: 8 dozen Assorted Nabisco Cookies, 4 gallons of Coffee, and 4 gallons of Hot Chocolate on February 16th 2018.
Cost: $5.76 x 8, $14.99 x 4, $19.99 x 4 = $186.00
Date: 01/22/2018
College of Nursing
Identifying that the College of Nursing has little if none enough time to indulge in lunch. The College of Nursing Senate has requested that the department of Nursing be provided Microwaves. Agreeing with this The Student Government Association has funded the property of two 7 CF microwaves.
Cost: 7 CF Microwave, 2 x $155.55 for a total of $311.10
Date: 04/02/2018
In finding it necessary to foster a collaborative environment for the School of Computing, SGA funded new monitors for 3 managed internship labs in Shelby Hall for the school of computing.
Cost: 3 monitors x $990.50 each, 3 wall mounts x 65.89 each = $3,169.17 total
Date: 04/02/2018
By recognizing the University of South Alabama's desire to become a larger national presence in Bioethics, SGA funded catering for the National Bioethics Bowl Competition hosted by the College of Allied Health and the South Alabama Bioethics Club.
Cost: $6,626.97
Date: 04/02/2018
The Student Government Association funded the Gumbo Chili Showdown to honor the memory Regan Robinson Young. The Gumbo Chili Showdown was hosted by the College of Medicine. The funding included food, entertainment, and marketing.
Cost: $10,981.16
Date: 03/12/2018
Through the recognizing the need to support their engineering constituents at the University of South Alabama getting filtered Water Bottle Fountains within Shelby Hall
Cost: Water Fountains (6)---- $3,449.62
Bill Providing Support for the Marx Library Purchase of Three Deskcycles for Use by Students
the Student Government Association represents the needs of all students at the University of South Alabama acknowledges the identified need of the Marx Library in its efforts to provide both a quality and healthy experience for the students.
Cost: FlexiSpot Deckcise Pro V9= $499.99x3= 1,499.97
Student Government Association recognizes the efforts of the College of Allied Health to enrich the lives of their constituents one of the Core Values of the University of South Alabama’s Strategic Plan is to accomplish diversity and global perspective
Cost: $3058.88