Student Conduct Process
Written Notice
The Office of Student Conduct (OSC) sends an initial meeting request letter to the
complainant to discuss the incident and the student code of conduct alleged violations.
OSC issues a charge letter to the respondent. Charge letter outlines the alleged violation(s)
and next steps in the conduct process and a request for the student to schedule the
initial meeting with the Student Conduct Administrator (SCA).
Student meets with Student Conduct Administrator to discuss the allegations and potential
Code violation(s).
- Student may choose to conduct an informal hearing with the SCA.
- Student meets with the SCA to discuss the allegations and potential Student Code of Conduct violation(s).
- Student may choose the formal hearing option with the University Disciplinary Committee
- Student participates in the UDC hearing as the complainant or the respondent along with any witnesses.
If student has accepted responsibility for violations, they may request a review of sanctions only.
Finding: Responsible
OSC issues a letter outlining findings, sanctions, sanction deadlines, processes,
and deadlines for appeal.
- Student may accept responsibility for the alleged Code violation(s)
or - Student may appeal the decision
If student takes no action or does not take action within ten (10) calendar days, findings and sanctions stand. (End of hearing process).
Finding: Not Responsible
End of conduct process
Student will be assigned sanctions pertinent to the action(s) that have been found
to violate the student code of conduct.
Student completes the sanction(s) sends an email to the SCA with with proof of completion.
For the judicial educator modules the student emails the SCA the certificate of completion.
(End of conduct process).
The respondent or complainant may appeal the decision to the Dean of Students or their designee.
- Student must submit a written request of appeal to the Dean of Students within five (5) working days of the hearing decision.
- Appeal decisions will be transmitted in writing to the appealing party and to the VP Student Affairs/Dean of Students within ten (10) days of the date of the appeal hearing. This decision is final ( End of conduct process).