Jag Health and Wellness Day

  • People in the Student Health building with USA cups and shirts.
  • Southpaw with a nurse holding a stethoscope.
  • Ms. Pawla at the Student Health desk with nurses behind her.
  • Southpaw with a nurse checking his height.
  • Patient getting his height measured by nurses.
  • Southpaw with his arms around two cheerleaders.


The Student Health Center’s Jag Health and Wellness Day (JHWD) is an annual event that is designed to encourage students to live a healthy lifestyle, to become more involved in their healthcare and to “Be Jag Healthy.” JHWD takes place during the fall semester of each academic year, and all of our students are invited to participate. Students receive free physicals, health screenings, a tour of the clinic, learn about health insurance and immunizations, as well as meet the experienced Student Health staff. In addition, students receive t-shirts, prizes and food during their visit in the department.

The Jag Tran provides continuous shuttles, throughout the day, for students who need transportation. Students are shuttled from the Dining Hall (near Residence Hall).

Student Health collaborates with various University and community partners to make this event a success every year. Collaborative partners for this event include LabCorp, Aramark-USA Dining Services, Athletics, College of Nursing, Counseling and Testing Services, Faculty Senate, Internal Medicine, Jag Tran, Pat Capps Covey College of Allied Health Professionals, Housing and Residence Life, Student Recreation Center and Student Affairs.