Student Services and Resources

Academic Services Center

Military Student Resource Rooms

All military-affiliated students are welcome to use the resource and study rooms located in the Academic Support Center, Suite 1365 and in the Baugh Biomedical Science Library, Room 328.

The Veterans Resource Room located in the Academic Services Center is open Monday-Friday 8:00 am -5:00 pm.

The Veterans Resource Room in the Baugh Biomedical Science Library is open Monday-Friday 8:15 am - 4:45 pm, but hours are subject to change.

Academic Resources

Looking for a tutor to stay ahead, brush up or catchup? Visit the Center for Academic Excellence in the Marx Library, Second Floor Monday - Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm. also has no cost, live experts that can offer assistance available at

Student Veterans of America

The USA Chapter of Student Veterans is a student organization made up of veteran student attending USA. Please go to their Facebook page for more information.

Financial Aid

We encourage all students to complete the Free Application for Student Aid ( FAFSA) at FAFSA determines your eligibility for low/no interest student loans as well as state/federal grants (grants=money you do not have to pay back).

Make sure to report any veteran/ military benefits you will be receiving. Financial Aid is initially based on your previous year's earning. If this doesn't accurately reflect your income at the time you will be taking classes, talk with the Office of Financial Aid and receive information on the Financial Aid appeals process through USA's Financial Aid Office to have your award reassessed. FAFSA opens October 1st each year. You will need to re-apply to FAFSA every October . Once you have completed your V.A. education benefits and have enrolled in classes, you will need to certify your classes. This will initiate your monetary benefits and we STRONGLY suggest you to complete this as early as possible to ensure that your benefits are processed in a timely manner. Mark your calendars each semester for your specific registration periods which can be found on the Academic Calendar .

Residency/Tuition Rate

If you are deemed an out-of-state resident, there are a few options you may be eligible for to obtain the in-state tuition rate. Please see Section 702 Choice Act Checklist at Choice Act- G.I. Bill® Resident Rate Requirement Checklist.

Military personnel currently serving on Active Duty ( not using DOD Tuition Assistance), Guard, or Reserves may complete the Residency Rate Checklist if your duty station is in Alabama (PCS to/from or currently in Alabama).

Military Related Scholarships


Military Leave Policy

A student who has been admitted to or enrolled at the University of South Alabama as an
undergraduate student may ask for a military leave to fulfill a U.S. military obligation. The student
should notify the Office of the University Registrar of a call to military service. The student will
provide the military orders for the period of duty and notify this same office of his/her intent to
return to the University.

If a student has not been enrolled for three consecutive terms, they must apply for readmission
through USA’s Office of Admissions at If there is no
dishonorable or bad conduct discharge from the military, and the cumulative length of this absence
and all previous absences from undergraduate study due to military service does not exceed five
years, the student will be readmitted. This is in accordance with the readmission provisions in the
Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (Section 484C of the HEA) and implementing regulations in
34 CFR Section 668.18.

National Guard/Reserve Training Policy
Students who are required to participate in weekly or monthly meetings, weekend drills, annual
trainings, military schooling, other military training, or an official military event as a member of the
National Guard, Reserves, or as a member of the Inactive Ready Reserve, will be excused from class.
Students actively participating in the United States Military Reserve or National Guard must provide
each faculty member a copy of their Reserve and/or National Guard schedule during the first week
of class each semester. If the student must perform duties outside of this schedule, the student
must provide to each faculty member, a copy of his/her military orders or a signed memorandum
from his/her Unit Commander/Administrative NCO (Non-commissioned Officer) containing the
required dates of service. Orders or signed memorandums should be provided to the faculty
member as soon as the military member is notified of the service requirement.
The student must contact each faculty member about making up missed work. The faculty member
is responsible for giving the student a reasonable extension for making up missed work. Due to the
complexities of the required drill/training schedule, it may be necessary for students travel outside
the military orders or drill schedule dates to report to the training site. In these cases, faculty should
be flexible and work with the student to come to an agreement that is fair to both the student and
the faculty member. It is recommended that no less than 3 business days be the standard extension
for missed work.
For questions, concerns, or verification pertaining to drill schedules, military orders, or any unit
correspondence, please contact the Office of Military Services to handle all communications between
USA and the point of contact for the military member.

Withdrawal When Called to Active Military Duty

For the purposes of this section, active military duty means service, whether voluntary or
involuntary, in the Armed Forces, including service by a member of the National Guard or Reserve,
on active duty, active duty for training, or full-time National Guard duty under Federal authority,
under a call or order to active duty of more than 30 consecutive days. This policy also applies to the
spouse, son, daughter, or parent of the student being called to active military duty in the Armed
Forces, National Guard, or Reserves in support of a contingency operation. A student who has been
admitted to or who has been enrolled at the University of South Alabama may request a withdrawal
to fulfill a U.S. military obligation. The student should notify the Office of the University Registrar,
provide documentation of his/her call to service, and submit notification whether or not he/she
intends to return to the University. Withdrawal is not contingent on the student’s notification of
intent to return to the University. The intent to return is used as information for future
communication with the student.
A student returning from active military duty may be readmitted per the readmission provisions in
the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (Section 484C of the HEA) and implementing
regulations in 34 CFR Section 668.18. A student can be promptly readmitted, providing he/she
withdrew to fulfill a U.S. military obligation, was not dishonorably discharged from the uniformed
services, and the cumulative length of his/her absence and all previous absences from
undergraduate studies due to military service did not exceed five years.
When a student is called to active military duty during an academic term, he or she may request one
of the following three options:
1. The student may request retroactive withdrawal to the beginning of the semester, with a full
refund of tuition and fees.
2. If at least 75 percent of the term has been completed, the student may request that the
faculty member assign a grade for the course based on the work completed. The final
decision about grading is left to the faculty member. This option requires students to meet
with an academic advisor prior to finalizing the arrangement with the faculty member. This
option may not be available for courses in certain clinical programs due to accreditation
requirements. Election of this option is irrevocable.
3. If the faculty member assigns an incomplete (“I”) grade, the student will have until the
specified deadline of the next semester or term, as published in the Academic Calendar, to
complete the course requirement in compliance with the University Grade Policy and
Alabama Code S3 31-12-3. This requires individuals be restored to the educational status
he/she had prior to military duty, without the loss of academic credits earned, scholarships or
grants awarded, or tuition and other fees paid prior to the commencement of military duty.