Web Tip - Browse for dependency tag
Posted on July 15, 2019 by Web Services Department

It is important to set links to pages on our www site using the browse tool so that the link is set with a dependency tag rather than the path to the file. DO NOT SET USING A SHORTCUT TO THE PAGE. Using dependency tags allows OU Campus, our content management system, to track the places where a link to the page is set. Then if the name of the page or its location is changed, OU Campus will change the link for you automatically. If you decide to delete a page, you will see a notice of all the pages where the link will break allowing you to determine the best course of action. Sometimes you will need to make changes to other pages in your directory; but when the link is on a page that belongs to someone else, please contact Web Services before you delete the page.
Each time you set a link, be sure to browse to the page in www and select it. A dependency tag will be inserted for you. If you are linking to the index page of a directory – for example, /departments/admissions/index.pcf, you should link to the directory rather than to the index page. You can be sure you are linking to the directory rather than the file because the dependency tag will begin with a “d” for directory rather than “f” for file. See examples below:
{{ d:1332706 }} /departments/admissions
{{ f:6889015 }} /departments/admissions/index.pcf
While either will link the user to the same page, please choose the directory rather than the index page consistently.