South Army ROTC Hosts Jaguar Challenge
Posted on April 13, 2022 by Amber Day

The College of Arts and Sciences Department of Military Science Army ROTC recently hosted the inaugural Jaguar Challenge on campus at the University of South Alabama Jaguar Intramural Fields. Fourteen teams from Mobile County JROTC programs competed in the challenge, and Murphy High School’s team was crowned ‘Mobile’s Toughest Cadets.’
“Watching high school JROTC students interact and compete against one another was awesome,” said Lieutenant Colonel Jared Sunsdahl, who serves as professor and department chair of Military Science. “The high school students also had the opportunity to interact with our great cadets and students from South, which really made the day a huge success. In the Army, competition drives excellence, and these JROTC Cadets were very competitive and should be proud of themselves. Like the Chief of Staff of the Army says, ‘winning matters,’ and I believe the South Alabama cadets and Army faculty helped instill that mindset a little bit through this event.”
More than 100 high school students and parents cheered on their cadets during the grueling ‘best ranger’ style competition. Theodore High School had two teams in the competition and finished in 2nd and 3rd place. Other schools in attendance included Alma Bryant High School, Mattie T. Blount High School, Baker High School, Ben C Rain High School, Vigor High School, Williamson High School and Mary G. Montgomery High School.
The mission of the Department of Military Science is to commission the future officer leadership of the United States Army. The department offers a progressive program that enhances student education regardless of academic endeavor. The program is designed to improve the leadership abilities of students, develop managerial skills, inform students concerning the roles, missions, and capabilities of the Army, and train qualified ROTC students to become commissioned officers in the National Guard, U.S. Army Reserve, or the U.S. Army.
“The Jaguar Challenge presented an opportunity for our department to connect with local high school cadets and bring them to South’s campus,” Sunsdahl said. “We host several recruitment events throughout the year, but this was by far our favorite. We hope to continue this event for many years to come.”
Army ROTC provides students a wide range of experiences while working toward a degree. Students can combine classroom time with hands-on experience to be competitive in today's job market. Whether students are planning a career in the Army or the corporate world, Army ROTC teaches students how to be a leader and can be taken as an elective course.
“Being an officer in the United States Army is a privilege and an honor,” Sunsdahl said. “Do you have what it takes to lead the soldiers of the best Army in the world?”
Military science is an accredited field of minor study. National Guardsmen, reservists, veterans and former JROTC students may receive advanced placement by requesting it through the department chair. For more information, contact the Department of Military Sciences at