Passage USA Peer Mentoring | CEPS

PASSAGE USA Peer Mentoring

Peer Mentoring

The term mentor, in the traditional sense, means to be an advisor or supporter. For peer mentoring on a college campus, we think mentoring means more than that. It is about developing meaningful relationships that benefit all who are involved and should be considered a two-way street- where both learn from the other, improving the quality of life for all involved.

All PASSAGE USA students are paired with peer mentors who will serve as natural supports in social, academic and employment situations. Our mentors work with students from 1 to 15 hours per week depending on the mentors' and students' schedules.

Peer mentors serve as friends, study buddies, advocates and role models for PASSAGE USA students.

Peer Mentor Responsibilities

As a peer mentor, you’ll have several duties. You will work with students in a variety of settings during your scheduled times. The following is a list of peer mentor responsibilities.

Your Responsibilities as a Peer Mentor will Include:

  • Support PASSAGE USA students in social, independent living, and academic situations
  • Help PASSAGE USA students achieve their personal goals
  • Participate in PASSAGE USA events
  • Attend Peer Mentor Training
  • Complete Peer Mentor logs
  • Commit to scheduled work times
  • Be a study buddy to a PASSAGE USA student
  • Advocate for diversity in the USA community
  • Model appropriate behavior in all settings
  • Set high expectations for PASSAGE USA student and help them exceed those expectations
  • Help PASSAGE USA students fit in USA’s campus and community
  • Form and foster life-long friendships. 

Apply to be a Peer Mentor

We are always accepting applications for peer mentors. 

For more information, please email, or CLICK HERE to access a peer mentor application

This project is funded by grants from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Post- Secondary Education Grant # P407A150076 and P407A200064.