Admissions Information
The philosophy of the curriculum leading to the Doctor of Medicine degree is to impart
the fundamental knowledge upon which medicine is based. The basic objective is to
prepare students, so that after further specialized training they may follow a variety
of careers in the private practice of medicine, teaching, research, medical education
or medical administration.
The Committee on Admissions is charged with final responsibility for selecting students
with superior academic and personal attributes who have demonstrated strong motivation
for the study of medicine and who show by other measures a strong promise to develop
into competent physicians. The committee is charged with the responsibility of selecting
the most qualified students without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy,
sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, genetic information,
disability, protected veteran status or any other applicable legally protected basis,
a selection that is not influenced by political or financial factors.
Detailed information on admission to the College of Medicine can be found at the Office of Admissions.
Preparation for the Study of Medicine
Since the medical profession needs individuals with a wide range of talents and academic
backgrounds, both science and nonscience majors will be considered. Ninety (90) semester
hours from a U.S. regionally accredited college or university are required, and a
Baccalaureate degree is preferred.
The following required college courses (including laboratory work) must be completed
prior to matriculation and must be completed at a U.S. regionally accredited college
or university in the United States.
General Chemistry with Lab: eight semester hours
General Biology with Lab: eight semester hours
Mathematics: six semester hours
Organic Chemistry with Lab: eight semester hours
General Physics with Lab: eight semester hours
Humanities: three semester hours
- Behavioral and Social Sciences: three semester hours
English Composition or Literature: six semester hours
Biochemistry may take the place of Organic Chemistry II. Statistics and Immunology also are recommended.
The Application Process
All applicants are required to take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) and
apply to medical school through the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS).
AMCAS begins accepting applications on June 1 of each year. Completed applications
and all materials, including official transcripts, must be submitted to AMCAS no later
than November 1. If the application is submitted after the deadline, the student must
contact the school directly and obtain permission for AMCAS to process the application.
AMCAS offers a Fee Assistance Program for students with documented need. Those students
granted a fee waiver will automatically qualify for a secondary application fee waiver
from the College of Medicine.
All U.S. citizens who apply and international applicants with permanent resident status
will be sent a secondary application. The information and documentation that students
furnish will provide the Admissions Committee with an opportunity to learn more about
each candidate. A $75 non-refundable application fee must accompany the application
The Selection Process
In the early phase of the selection process, the Admissions Committee relies on objective
criteria such as grade point average, MCAT scores, substance and level of courses
taken, trend in academic performance, pre-health advisory review, extracurricular
activities and state of residence.
Once the student’s credentials have been favorably reviewed, the applicant is invited
to interview with members of the Admissions Committee. Approximately 200 applicants
are invited for interviews. Applicants are interviewed by members of the Admissions
Committee and ad hoc interviewers. Each interview is scheduled for 30 minutes.
The interviewers are supplied with the AMCAS profile of the applicant and an evaluation
form. In addition to the interviews, applicants have an opportunity to meet with current
medical students.
The Admissions Committee interview evaluates the applicant’s abilities and skills
necessary to satisfy the nonacademic requirements established by the faculty, and
the personal and emotional characteristics that are necessary to become a competent
physician. Specifically, the applicant’s communication, empathy, leadership, team-orientation,
previous life and work experiences, research experience, regional bilingual language
proficiency and sensitivity to our multicultural society are evaluated.
The College of Medicine’s goal is to select candidates who have the potential to address
the wide spectrum of needs that the medical profession faces. Candidates who have
been accepted must notify the school of their decisions within two weeks of the offer.
If further information is needed to expedite a decision, students are encouraged to
call and seek clarification.
Deferred Admission: It is possible, under special circumstances, for an applicant
who is offered a position in the M1 class of the College of Medicine to request a
deferral of the start of their medical studies for one or two years. A written request
that describes the reason for the deferral should be received by the Office of Admissions
no later than June 1. Approval of a request to defer will be based on the perceived
validity of the reasons set forth by the student. Deferred applicants may not seek
nor accept admission at any other school for the deferred entering class year.
Early Decision Program (EDP)
The College participates in the EDP operated by AMCAS. This program is designed for
competitive students who have narrowed their selection down to a single choice. The
chief benefits include the security of having an early guaranteed position, reduced
application and travel fees involved in applying to multiple institutions, and the
opportunity to begin financial planning as soon as possible. Students applying as
Early Decision candidates should be competitive on a national level. The EDP is limited
to residents of Alabama, the Florida panhandle, and the Mississippi Gulf Coast counties,
which are eligible for in-state tuition.
Procedures for regular admission apply to the EDP with the following exceptions:
- Candidates must indicate the EDP intention on the AMCAS application.
- A completed AMCAS application must be received by August 1.
- MCAT scores must be available by September 1.
- Under the EDP guidelines, applicants agree to apply to one medical school and attend that medical school if offered an acceptance.
- Candidates will receive notification of the outcome by October 1.
- EDP candidates are required to have a minimum composite MCAT score of 503 and a grade-point average of 3.50. However, having the minimum requirements only allows a student to be considered for an EDP interview. It does not guarantee an interview.
- Candidates who are not accepted through the EDP are placed in the regular applicant pool and are free to apply to other medical schools.
Advanced Standing Transfers
Opportunities to transfer to our school are limited to the third year on a space-available
basis. Transfer spaces are rarely available due to a very low attrition rate.
All transfer applicants should be currently enrolled in good standing at an LCME-accredited
medical school and must have a compelling reason to transfer. Students who are attending
non-LCME-accredited medical schools, offshore medical schools or osteopathic schools
will not be considered.
Students who believe they meet these requirements should submit a request for consideration,
including school presently attending and reason for requesting transfer, to Brittany
Seals at
Detailed information can be found at the Office of Admissions.
Technical Standards for Admission
Because the M.D. degree signifies that the holder is a physician prepared for entry
into the practice of medicine within postgraduate training programs, it follows that
graduates must have the knowledge and skills to function in a broad variety of clinical
situations and to render a wide spectrum of patient care.
Candidates for the M.D. degree must have somatic sensation and functional use of the
senses of vision and hearing. Candidates’ diagnostic skills are also lessened without
the functional use of the senses of equilibrium, smell and taste. Additionally, they
must have sufficient exteroceptive sense (touch, pain and temperature), and sufficient
proprioceptive sense (position, pressure, movement, stereognosis and vibratory). They
must be able to consistently, quickly and accurately integrate all information received
by whatever sense(s) employed, and they must have the intellectual ability to learn,
integrate, analyze and synthesize data.
The technical standards are published in the College of Medicine Admissions Policies
and Procedures Manual, which is provided to all faculty, administrators and students
who are participating in the admissions process. The technical standards are reviewed
annually by the Assistant Dean for and Director of Admissions and presented to the
Admissions Committee for modification if necessary and for approval. The Frederick
P. Whiddon College of Medicine is committed to the full and meaningful inclusion of
students with disabilities. Students with disabilities must submit documentation of
disability and application for reasonable accommodation to the Center for Educational
Accessibility and Disability Resources.
For further inquiries regarding the admissions process, email Brittany Seals at
Early Acceptance Program
The Early Acceptance Program (EAP) is jointly offered by the University’s Honors College and the College of Medicine. The College of Medicine EAP offers a small number of qualified high school seniors a conditional acceptance to the University of South Alabama College of Medicine contingent upon satisfactory completion of the program.