
Waterman globe in lobby of Mitchell Center.


In order to receive the Global Engagement Certificate, students must complete the following:

1) seventeen hours of coursework

Two courses are required for all students, IS 210: Global Engagement Orientation (1 credit hour) and IS 410: Global Engagement Capstone (1 credit hour). Students will outline a proposed course of study to complete these requirements in the orientation course. The remaining fifteen hours must have at least 50% global content, and often come from a mixture of general education courses and courses in the student's major and/or minor. The Coordinator has a list of courses that have been preapproved to qualify, however, courses with variable topics (often labeled 290, 390 and 490), directed studies, and other courses can be considered if at least half of the course content focuses on countries other than the United States. 

2) nine credit hours (or the equivalent in contact hours) of globally engaged activity.

Globally engaged activity is defined as study abroad, service learninginternships, and leadership in an intercultural campus group. These activities must be approved by the Coordinator before students apply, and will be evaluated upon completion.